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Seasonal Board for the Winter Season

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File:Starfire_Optical_Range_-_s….jpg (4.3 MB,2000x3008)


Don't think I've seen one of these on Kissu, although I think it'd be an appropriate fit.

If you find any cool pictures, consider posting them!


File:Stabilization Wire.jpg (3.07 MB,1944x1296)

Trinitron stabilization wire.


File:pga.jpg (1.68 MB,1000x789)

Various PGA ceramic package chips.


File:Palouse_Patchwork-RodSchwa….jpg (807.7 KB,1232x816)

Nice hills


File:jGNILmqogW4cXqJdG0ciDpSijR….jpg (8.16 MB,5464x2744)

French fortress city, Neuf-Brisach, in Alsace.


File:1955491850.jpg (49.27 KB,600x368)

Micro OLED display.


File:yosemite-firefall-cr-alamy.jpg (586.57 KB,2048x1536)

Not actually lava! It's burning embers being dropped from above


File:bee-stock.jpg (178.72 KB,2121x1414)



File:Looking_West_From_Peristyl….jpg (3.76 MB,4443x3103)

1893 Chicago Columbian Exposition. Built in less than 3 years.


File:Tank.jpg (7.92 MB,5184x2221)



File:86361288_p0.jpg (1.54 MB,2067x1447)


File:20220222_204053.jpg (793.53 KB,1692x2048)


File:1264950100668.jpg (3.63 MB,3872x2592)

I've had that picture saved for a while but I have no idea what it is


File:Japanese-LNG-tank.jpg (1.16 MB,2599x3968)

Neat. I thought it might be the interior of a ship's oil tank, but it's apparently a neutrino detector.


File:blue-footed-booby2.jpg (139.52 KB,333x500)

You know, I don't think I have any "cool" images. I am just now having this realization after many years.


File:20220225_001033.jpg (87.46 KB,640x827)

Rabbit day is coming soon. Both the end of the month and Easter!


File:20220227_053552.jpg (218.98 KB,750x930)

Red Panda in tree


File:87480857_p7.jpg (788.14 KB,1600x1255)


File:theancients.jpg (90.4 KB,639x480)


me on the left


I had this as my signature image on a forum or two back in the day, around 2004 or so? Memories...


File:truelove.jpg (94.96 KB,650x429)


File:FnzIHN2aQAAR4P_.jpg (143.93 KB,768x1024)



File:1655923211024.png (245.25 KB,466x281)

what do you think about this picture


Incredible, frankly.


File:McIntosh_Tubes.webp (216.53 KB,1000x562)

Vacuum tubes are really cool. They were mostly if not entirely replaced by superior technology, but I can't help but admire how neat they are


File:1619663016848.jpg (3.73 MB,2978x3748)


File:1619625855523.jpg (2.86 MB,3840x2160)


That's pretty cool. I can't help but feel like that tiny pair of scissors on that multi-tool would be a bit of pair to use though.


File:39165335_p0.jpg (751.52 KB,1382x800)


thinkin bout tkmiz

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