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File:1610448742706.png (19.82 KB,938x482)


someone on ota just found $300,000 in t's old BTC wallet


>ywn get completely broke and into overdraft which causes your gay website to disappear but a well-timed shitpost from your userbase allows you to find a long-lost buried treasure of three hundred dollars and survive another day


This is not an imageboard happening. This is tripfag gossip and I motion for the banning of all posters who use this thread as an excuse propagate it.






I agree, make a thread on /win/


What the fuck people actually listen to my advice?


File:1497313584932.png (313.57 KB,760x780)

It was already something that wasn't particularly good in the thread, but people kept referencing it instead of moving on. I figured it was better to move 8 posts instead of 50 like the last time something ota-related popped up in the happenings thread


File:video0_13.mp4 (3.21 MB,640x640)

Don't you avoid me, give me my well-earned (You) goddammit.


cute otter


This is not kissu-related. This is gossip concerning a tripfag with no relation with this website and I motion for this thread's deletion and the banning of its posters for spam/advertising/flooding.


posting so i get banned if that happens

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