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/win/ - Winter

Seasonal Board for the Winter Season

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Every year 7 people go missing in the Victorian wilderness and are never seen again.


Luckily the Victorian age is long behind us.


Huh?????!!!! Victoria the place not the time....


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the 70 billion people of earth - where are they hiding?


Huh, maybe I'm not too well versed in boston dynamics, but what is this extended product line supposed to be? Is it created by spot? Created in a similar vein to Spot? Add-ons for Spot? I'm very confused.


Umm... what is Spot again? Is it the one that kind of looks like a dog?


yeah, that one, appropriately named a dog's name


they're going to show off their robot jackson 5


Would it be more economical to have Spot turn the valve than replace it with a valve that turns itself?


In just a day now

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How's Gamestop going to affect the stock market going forwards into the future?
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this isn't a pump and dump, otherwise they wouldn't shut down retail trading already
the hedge fund will go bankrupt and be bailed out with taxpayer money, it's only tens of billion dollars (since measures were already implemented to prevent further damage) so nothing huge will happen
the bailout will happen, otherwise it means that they will disobey the rule and sow distrust in financial system which would result in a real economic crash
also why do you care about how people spend their money, it's none of your business
by only allowing accredited traders to do trading and outlawing retail trading


It doesn't matter whether it is a pump and dump or not(or whether you see it as one because a great many will and will act as if it is). It has noting supporting it at all other than the meme, it's going to crash once the momentum ends. It will not hover at $350 long term.

>also why do you care about how people spend their money, it's none of your business

The OP asked what impact this was going to have on the market, I answered....



Looks like a lotta folk wanna sue, but it seems to be pretty legal.
Could, maybe, perhaps, possibly, mayhap, become illegal. Hoo nose.


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Winter version
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I don't agree.


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I love them both
Afaik seiyuu is just VA in JP, I think this argument is stupid.
love seiyuu(s).


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i like collecting pictures of girls, so when I see cute girls in real life I often wish I had cybernetic eyes or glasses so that I could take photographs of them

here's a cute weightlifter


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Is it me or do people generally seem less active in January? Everyone online place I hang out in (granted it's not many) has lower activity levels and it seems to happen every year. I know some people are still young enough to be in school, but I don't think there's a similar effect during other times that school returns after a break.

Does everyone have the post-holiday blues?
Does winter sap energy, even if people are inside?
Are they doing something else? What?
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It's been slower, but the quality hasn't really dropped off much. So I think it's fine to just accept the slowness and do other things in the meantime.


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I'm focusing on my goals: english, avoiding music, DDOSing anon's webpage, bulking, spending money, unscientific writing and destroying the Otaku Empire. I never heard of, nor do I have time for post-holiday blues.


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Bleh. I didn't mean Kissu specifically, but the internet in general


Maybe there's more leagues or new games out to play in January, like how I've been completely absorbed in PoE for the past week or so. Maybe that applies to others as well.


I spent most of december too unmotivated to even post and now that i have to do things again Im staying off the internet as much as I can to stay focused
Id assume most people are going through something similar and that a similar dip in activity also happens in september/august
so pretty much post holiday boke combine with people getting used to new schedules

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finally succeeded in making fish broth from trout bone and head.

pic unrelated


sounds vile


Fish broth? Like for soup?

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The US Space force soldiers are called guardians.
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I think it's just a reference to this, and also the Space Force logo is basically plagiarism of the Star Trek one. Senile old fart Reagan had "Star Wars", also.
https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-51245262 <-- Star Trek logo thing


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Linguistically you are called a nerd.


Funny you post Marie, as both words entered the language through different version of French; guardian from Norman French and guard through Old French.


Guard itself is a Germanic word in origin however, not a latin one.


You're right, I meant to write warden.

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someone on ota just found $300,000 in t's old BTC wallet
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It was already something that wasn't particularly good in the thread, but people kept referencing it instead of moving on. I figured it was better to move 8 posts instead of 50 like the last time something ota-related popped up in the happenings thread


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Don't you avoid me, give me my well-earned (You) goddammit.


cute otter


This is not kissu-related. This is gossip concerning a tripfag with no relation with this website and I motion for this thread's deletion and the banning of its posters for spam/advertising/flooding.


posting so i get banned if that happens


we should have a norm test
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norman osborne
secret alias joker frog



all these norms in this thread
only i can be considered human



That's what one of them would say.

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How was kissu's Christmas? Over here it was a nice white Christmas with a blanket of snow covering as far as you could see. Quite a nice sight when in the past couple years there'd been no snow in sight. Looking forwards to the rest of winter now.


no fucking snow in sight


There were a few tiny flurries on Christmas Eve. It was supposed to snow properly, but the forecast changed day-of. I'm a bit disappointed in that, but I wasn't expecting snow to begin with. Otherwise, Christmas itself went well. My family had a big breakfast, and then a big dinner together at home. Presents and all that went over well too, so that's good.

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Here's a cool article about the workings of the COVID-19 vaccine:

>Reverse Engineering the source code of the BioNTech/Pfizer SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine


i just was reading that anon, the computer science analogies are so perfect
i love this article!


its absolutely how information technology works inside the cell
also how fast everything works


one of those little protein engines can read a string of RNA at ~80 bits a second which is faster than human information transfer with speech which is about 40 bits a second, or typing which is like 60 bits a second at maximum speed of 110 wpm.

I think people can type faster than they can think

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Winter is cold. I'd rather stay indoors
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this winter was too warm, didn't even snow once here and doesn't look like it will, first time I remember not snowing at all in winter... it sucks, I like snow




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well it's over half over and temperatures are still above 0°C...


it's raining
stop please its christmas


It was raining in the morning for me, but it's snowing again now that the temperature dropped

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You fricks ever watched Rudolph the Red-nose reindeer? It's one of my favorites.
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It's teenbro speak, but I do want a big-titty girl to hold me tight and tell me I have some worth.


the term "pog" makes me irrationally angry. I dont know why.


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it's an emote of this guy's face which shows up if you type "PogChamp". it has been there forever but it only started getting used outside of twitch recently.


don't like the little pogchamp meme but i'm fine with pogchamp


dont understand either so i can't have a preferance

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If I remember right I think you can see the effect of it in the night sky because the planets will be visually merged, like an eclipse. But, it'll be far less noticeable because it's just two dots that might be slightly brighter when seen overlapping.


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It's too cloudy to see anything...


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Oh wait. It was never supposed to overlap, they're just close to each other
I don't see anything special outside, but maybe buildings are blocking it

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I wish it snowed here in California, nothing happens for winter here except it's 60 degrees instead of 70-80...
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It's been rain and stormy wind for 2 weeks now and forecast for another week of the same. I get to sit here wrapped up in a cozy blanket watching the animes and browsing the tubes.
It's not so bad.


I forgot it was still winter.


I knoq that feel, brother. Winter is harsh in the southwest, just cold and no snow.


In my experience everyone loves snow until the day comes that you have to drive in it.


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>The Fahrenheit scale is now usually defined by two fixed points: the temperature at which pure water freezes into ice is defined as 32 °F and the boiling point of water is defined to be 212 °F, both at sea level and under standard atmospheric pressure (a 180 °F separation).
dude really

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