The administrators of Australia complain of the abundance of ground dwelling Laurasiatheria in the wilds of the land and the detrimental effect this has on the native ecology of said land but does not the basis of evolution lie on the notion of survival of the fittest? And is not Evolution a natural process? If these native creatures cannot handle the pressures introduced by the introduction of more advanced lifeforms then do they really have a place in this world? Who are we to interfere with natural selection.
Why should we genocide millions of cats, dogs(which are even recognised as native anyway), horses, buffalo, camels, goats, pigs and deer just so that a handful of stupid marsupials survive? And why should we care if they alter the flora of this place? The flora could do with some altering. This goes against the greater good.
Furthermore, they make the argument that the native ecology never co-evolved with predators such as the felid and vulpine and so therefore they are more vulnerable to these creatures and the aforementioned creatures should not be permitted to live in their environments. This simply is not true, there existed here the Thylacine, Tasmanian and Australian devils, quolls, Thylacoleo and a myriad of other such mammals.
15 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view. No.199
>>198Yes, there are more in zoos though. It's because they have large ranges, they are fairly solitary and they can only really live in wilderness. It's why they need to be introduced to Australia.
>>196>I was going to make a new thread about this but the I would be spamming the board in threads about Australian ecology I think.Feel free to do so. That was a very cool video. I hope to see mammoths and thylacines in the future.
>>181This image is too deceiving. I always think she has absolutely gazonga size boobers
>>521saw it again and had the exact same thought. stupid australia boobers
Well, it's been a year and they still have not cloned a thylacine nor have I gotten a reply from the Minister for the Environment about my idea to introduce big cats to Australia. Sigh.....