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File:R-1677003937539.jpg (4.94 MB,4080x3072)


Can you spot the parrots? There should be at least two of them.
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I did not know squabs had beaks like that, or that baby pigeons were called squabs in the first place. That shape looks particularly strange to me.
Jesus Christ.


They kind of like dead chickens, it's very odd


i saw the deleted post


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Important thread.


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Birds coming home


Cities built on important rivers always look so nice.
I never realized that China's river systems are so economically viable. It's like the Great Lakes yet spans all across their country. Crazy
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yeah, that was it


Im kind of surprised this stuff is on youtube considering the site is banned in China


Yeah well... it might be a state sponsored tourism video since it goes only through the nice parts of the city. But even that considered it's still quite nice


That's a weird road at 45:17. Two lanes feeding into one lane that is wider than usual, but still not wide enough for two cars. Seems like a planning error there, but they don't seem to be going very fast so it's probably fine.


To be fair to the PRC, visitors of most places won't see any rough/bad parts because there's nothing for visitors there, and are mostly residental (this is excluding rural areas, which can get really bad, even the touristy stuff there gets horribly sad). The worst you'll see is some unhappy people in certain cities and binge drinkers in northern China.
There's a lot you can say about those commies and living under them but they make it an alright place to visit.

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He'll be full grown the next time we see him ;_;


But will he still be able to stand on two feet?


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Look at this photograph.


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I'm looking


stop looking

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go to bed and wake up early
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I just thought you lived in my time zone.


We might live in the same time zone, who knows?


I woke up at 5 AM without cheating today.


every month or so I have periods where I get wrapped up in programming(or ero-rpg) and my days gradually offset by a couple of hours until I'm sleeping like a regular person


thats called being on your period hehe

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The pondering pon-de-ring!
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Give addicted to pondering 2D waifu.


Making food this decorative seems like such a waste to me. I'll take the simple but tasty stuff over this elaborate stuff that you're surely paying extra for


It's a joy to eat good looking food


The green ring looks like its made out of plastic.



They opened up a few stores in my area dedicated to making Mocchi Donuts and have all these weird flavors for it. It wasn't that great in my opinion, it just tasted like a deep fried dough fritter glazed in sugar.

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Don't think I've seen one of these on Kissu, although I think it'd be an appropriate fit.

If you find any cool pictures, consider posting them!
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That's pretty cool. I can't help but feel like that tiny pair of scissors on that multi-tool would be a bit of pair to use though.


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thinkin bout tkmiz

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Why doesn't the US and Canada have festivals like in Japan?
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Or they're based around sport, which again interest depends on demographics generally but not as much so.


i guess sport does replace traditional festivals. We're like the old age romans watching people beat one another up and then partying


They probably do like >>2144 says.

But also we are probably under the impression that many Japanese festivals are much more widespread when they are not, they are still just local events that any nation holds.

I think you also ignore the large religious festivals like Eastern and Christmas and the National holidays and whatever Thanksgiving day is.


Interestingly Canada and America have unrelated holidays called Thanksgiving.


My hometown dedicates an entire week to festivals. Sadly, it's probably going to stop soon. 2020 they didn't have anything and 2021 there was great debate on doing it but they still did although the turn out was very low. We used to have two separate weeks in the year for festivals but we haven't seen anything happen during the earlier time of the year since around 2012 as the town dedicided to not host them anymore yet raising city taxes claiming it's for festivities when they've been cutting and gutting more each year. Quite sad.

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¥ Lizard? Kinda boring, lets stick some wings on it
¥ Horses? Overused, lets stick some wings on it
¥ Girls? Kinda boring, lets stick some wings on them
Is Germanic mythology dead?
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everything has WINGS!!!


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That looks like Fire Emblem to me. Is Fire Emblem an accurate representation of German mythology?


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Yes but two of those aren't Germanic, Dragons are but they are in other places as well and I a not sure if Germanic dragons have wings or not and I don't see why that makes Germanic mythology dead. Though yes it is dead and has been dead for some time, I would not really count Asatru as a living continuation either.


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No Aisurando Puraido!


>if Germanic dragons have wings or not
Not really, they are more like giant serpents or worms.

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do you like this
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what about this


creepy and a sin against nature which has already perfected feline cuteness


is that an ai interpretation of the cat's movements?


It looks like one of those filters from TikTok or something.


Reality sure does suck

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Any bridge otaku here?
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The /qa/ island...


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A bridge in my otherwise unremarkable state is getting its own stamp this year, so that's kind of cool


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Although I never looked it up, it seems extremely unlikely that it's not based on the official state bird: the scissor-tailed flycatcher


what a regal looking fellow


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No, but I am a bridge otaku otaku.

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Picked a lock to a door just off to the side of my apartment. Cat always wanted to know what was behind it and so do I.
Think it's never been opened in years because it makes a huge squeal sound when I tried to open it. Will have to find a good time of night to open it up when everyone is lying in bed. Like 3 hours from now I think.
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Lockpicking is rape. You're a criminal.


Lockpicking is rape. You're awesome.


Lockpicking is fast. You're a rip-off.


always a good idea to level your lockpicking skill


i've never heard of that one before but it feels really r9k.

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the quackers

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A laptop user knows when to trade off portability with modularity
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Pretty cool setup. Technology really is amazing


power of USB-C


apparently this monitor can be powered and transfer data through USB-C but haven't gotten that worked out so I have to use my HDMI port


The drawing tablet I got uses two USB-C ports for power and for its signal from the computer, but there's a difference in requirements that I don't really understand, but one of them has a thunderbolt icon next to it to signify the difference. I can't get it to work with extension cables I bought, so that sucks. I'm missing something but have been too lazy to bother looking it up


Love seeing laptops not being used as a laptop. I would love to do something like that but I'd rather buy a PC than a laptop since laptops tend to be more expensive and have more heating problems compared to a PC with similar specs.

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I see


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Have you considered living on a boat?
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Nice cost breakdown from a former home owner(lots of money available)


the normo




File:[Serenae] Tropical-Rouge! ….jpg (156.79 KB,1280x720)

Hmm, at that point something like an RV seems like a better choice. Come to think of it, yeah, I'd rather have a big house-car hybrid thing to move around into forests and stuff than a boat that's confined to lakes. I think there's probably a difference between a boat for lakes and a boat for oceans, right?
I guess it depends on where you are and where you're going, too, because land borders are generally less of a hassle than the water variety.
Although, with an RV you aren't very likely to find any mermaids...


/secret/ post.

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