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File:kuon campfire.png (431.79 KB,1089x1080)


It might be colder here this weekend than it has been in a long time.
Is there anything cool I can do? I can't think of anything except freezing to death and that isn't particularly fun.
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I don't think these are conditions where manual dexterity with bare hands is feasible


put them up your butt


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Make a bonfire.


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Winter is coming... is kissu ready?
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When Florida falls into the ocean they'll be basically the same shape.


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That's obviously Cirno, baaaaka


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So, are you Chinese or Cirnoese?


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cant wait for summer


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This is cool! I stood outside for a minute without a coat and obviously it was very cold, but then when I walked inside it was like the warmth wrapped around me and it felt much warmer than usual. I guess it's like a reverse sauna effect?

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I'm gonna end the New Year in the black!
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>25-34 Years of age: ~14,000 USD in savings
What the fuckkk man


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guess that makes me not a norm heh


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check this out


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check this out


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check this out

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please watch this video and tell me what you think
thank you for your time
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This thread is a great example of why we must exterminate the domesticated pest, known commonly as the "house cat".


dog hands wrote this post
go bark at another filthy mutt like you


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mutts make the world go around, while cats make a living profiting of others' work


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cats are little shits, but they're endearing little shits that will ask for cuddles after scaring the daylights out of you
I just wish they would cover their poop better


i have never seen my late cat's poop

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It's bothersome how people treat certain things that they like as extensions of themselves and react to criticisms of those things they like as if they themselves were being attacked.
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Drivers often identify with their cars.
>He cut me off!


Who are you quoting?




Me. I drive.


I'm definitely guilty of this.

I think, when you take a thing very seriously, you tend to forget that the same is not necessarily true for others. If I love X and you say you think X sucks shit, my knee-jerk reaction is to think that you hate it as much as I love it, even though that's probably not the case.

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I can't stop thinking about getting doxxed. I've heard about small time internet people getting doxxed by trolls for fun, and even though I haven't done anything to make myself a target or really even have much to lose from being doxxed, the thought terrifies me.
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You should look into starting an LLC for about $100 anon. You can do all your business/professional stuff while hiding behind it. There are several states where you can open one anonymously. That way the only thing that can be doxed is the LLC's company name. All the share holders involved remain totally anonymous.

It's also very useful for tax purposes. This is how all the mega rich people hide.


even if you do get doxxed nobody will really care to do anything with the information. its a scare more than anything, every single time


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unless they consistently react in a really funny way: see Drachenlord and CWC


Do you mean ¨getting doxxed¨ or do you not want people to discover that you're a drawfag who uses imageboards? or both? There's a difference between getting full on doxxed and getting namedropped. If you don't want people to discover you're a drawfag you might want to stop posting your work anonymously if you do, or you could not care and treat your use of imageboards casually like other artists but i don't know if this is what you're asking.
Western art community (especially Xfags) getting mad at someone for the wrong reasons and harassing them isn't something unheard of, sadly.


Don't put your screen name on your LinkedIn

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I went to my local library today and got a library card. To my surprise, it entitled me to free membership for some major newspapers as well as magazines. More importantly, as I mentioned in >>>/qa/117881, it also allowed me to link my library card to Libby. Libby is a free app that lets you check out ebooks and audiobooks through your library. OverDrive on Kobo e-readers lets you do the same thing. As far as Kindles go, it seems you can link your Kindle to Libby and then send ebooks to your Kindle that way (unfortunately you can't do everything on your e-reader itself, like with Kobo e-readers). I was a bit surprised to learn that my address was excluded from the broader regional library system of the metropolitan area I live in, but my local library system consisting of just 5 libraries still boasts ~50K ebooks and ~15K audiobooks. All in all, I highly recommend that my fellow Kissu frens head to their library and get a library card so you can read lots of ebooks! It's certainly a lot less hassle than having to track down pirated copies of books or having to pay for a copy. It's also shut-in friendly since you don't need to leave your house to check out books since everything can be done through the app or your e-reader!
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First person films are pretty cool. A while ago I managed to catch a film called Lady in the Lake on TV. I remember it having some pretty cool tricks like showing the protagonist in a mirror and, if I remember right, casting proper shadows and showing their arms and stuff. Very cool.


I'll check this film out it sounds interesting. I like wacky stuff like this.

I also like watching old 40s-60s era American content for the culture it promotes. There is an old show called "Time for Football" that aired on the DuMont network in the 50s. The commercials for beer they play are funny as hell. I don't like beer and it makes me crave it. "The beer as refreshing as skyblue waters"


I linked to the wrong week. Here is the one that has the beer commercials intact; https://youtu.be/fZ3eGdgLQdU?feature=shared&t=308

I always liked how showed by then had one primary sponsor that would contentiously shill during the broadcast. Crack open a cold Hamm's beer and light up a Camel. We're watching the highlights of the week!


super cute kitty!!!!!!

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My cat is sitting on my bed and wants to sit in the very middle. They're currently sitting between my legs, but this position is very uncomfortable. I would move them but they fell asleep...
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flip the cat


It's a nice feeling when the cat falls asleep and their tail goes floppy


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First-person view I guess


holy what the FLIP thats cute

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Anonymous was talking about how search results have gotten worse due to SEO and AI articles, which reminded me of this article I read. In no small part, the reason why places like Amazon's search have gotten so bad is because of user retention metrics and shopping. In essence, by the results being worse you will look for longer and may end up buying something that is inferior, and then come back to buy something else when what you had originally bought didn't live up to your expectations. Search engines like Google have the same incentives, but instead of directly selling you things they want to serve you ads.

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I don't disagree. But the real issue is a political one (in the sense of actual politics, not internet-noise identity politics). Rent-seeking behavior exists because the system allows it, and the only way to truly stop it is to change the system.


It's getting really hard to find one website that doesn't embed scripts from google. Worst part is if you block them half the time the page will not render. Then there is the whole issue of google amp and amazon's version of it.

As with most things the root issue is money. If it wasn't for the money none of this would be happening. As it stands we're in a race towards the bottom and it's ruining all creativity. The content now is worse than it ever was but people are making more money off of it than ever before. There is almost no one left out there doing things for free. When people did it for free the quality was very high. Now we have endless clickbait and AI generated garbage with no fewer than 10 ads embedded into it along with begging for donations on top of it.

The worst part is people that are clueless actually defend this behavior. My main pet peeve are the people that create nothing whatsoever and simply "react" to other content getting paid more than the person that created the content in the first place.


because google analytics is a good tool for ad revenue websites


File:[SubsPlease] Migi to Dali ….jpg (220.17 KB,1920x1080)

Please don't bring politics/political labels into it


with or without the labels, it's still just politics

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If we ever meet aliens, ones that can see with eyes similar to our own, eink will probably be important for interspecies communication. I remember watching a video a while ago that said that different mammals have different levels of photoreceptivity so the point at which persistence of vision makes flashing images feel fluid is different. For humans, it seems to vary a lot and depend on light levels; 24 FPS on a projector is comfortable to view for most people, 50Hz or 60Hz on a CRT TV was comfortable to view, but below 75Hz on a CRT monitor was uncomfortable, and so on. I vaguely recall that cats had a persistence of vision shorter than humans so they required a higher "frame rate" source to view it properly, otherwise it just looked like flashing nonsense that left them disinterested. Dogs had a higher persistence of vision and so required a lower frame rate than humans.

So, basically, it's the duty cycle of the source that affects whether it's comfortable to view or not, I suppose. At any rate, that's why I think eink or similar displays would be important: they are physically moving ink within capsules to create an image, and so there is no refreshing of the page to view it. As such, hypothetically, both humans and aliens would be able to read from such displays equally well. Although... If they're like dinosaurs and their vision is based on movement then both are probably insufficient. I'm not really sure how you would create a "motion display" short of vibrating pixels somehow or something idk.
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That's an interesting point, I suppose it's essentially paper that can change its contents on demand. In that scenario it'd make sense for people to start developing full-on tablets rather than just e-readers. Color shouldn't be a problem, right?
I thought the same... "aynk"


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Interesting thought! Have never considered how aliens might not be able to view animated media made for humans because of a difference in photoreceptivity.
The perception of color would be another and probably bigger concern since there is even more potential for differnces in capability to measure and interpret wavelenght of light. Within the human species, the divergence in the perception of color as seen in different types of color-blindness is already significant enough to be something to take into consideration when producing visuals. It would probably a good bet to use black-and-white for high contrast and using tech like eink for communication might actually be a good idea.


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From what I understand, there are two main ways that color is achieved with current e-ink displays: 1. Use an RGB filter on top of a traditional black and white e-ink display, and 2. Increase the number of colored particles with the capsule (Typically cyan, magneta, yellow, black, and white). The first method is preferable for tablets because black and white e-ink displays are a lot faster (~15FPS), but has more dull color rendering and tends to be lower resolution (Not necessarily a problem for larger displays and tablets). The second method produces much more vibrant colors at higher resolution, but is considerably slower because each refresh needs to shuffle the colored particles around; apparently this type has become somewhat popular in China for things like advertisements and display boards for train and bus time tables.


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Yeah, the latter makes sense for something static with image rotation at a fixed rate, while the former sounds good enough for dynamic portable stuff. It's not like 4k 120fps video is required for diplomacy, if anything it's audio that would be most important.
Oh, actually, that'd raise an identical problem too, wouldn't it? You'd have to figure out a range that works for both parties and especially doesn't hurt anyone, that could be trickier to solve. Hmmm.


We have some pretty fast refresh rates for monitors now so we probably would not need anything like that, it's an interesting thought though.


It's over...


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Lots of big edutainment accounts in the comments which is nice to see. Scott pretty much pioneered the format, or was at least hugely influential.
It's kind of funny in a way. The old TV channels like The Learning Channel, Discovery, History and others all navigated to garbage that didn't even try to be educational, but people like this filled the void by creating their own content. The internet doesn't have to be something that makes you dumber.

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I like how cell towers have their cables bunched up in a line that follows the inner edge of the steel structure.
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>Do you watch videos of tower climbers by chance?

I've had this bookmarked forever. I watch it once in a while and my hands sweat every time. This particular video is probably the most popular one, too. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH HOW DOES HE DO IT?




This guy is pretty cool, but his videos worry me


not nearly as high but this is one fascinates me


Nice. I liked that a lot. A comment says it took him 5 months. That must have been very satisfying to complete.

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When driving on the highway I often spot squarish looking bodies of water. Too large to be a pond and too small to really be called a lake. I wonder if these are man-made (and if so, for what purpose?) or if there's just an abundance of oddly shaped bodies of water.
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There's a bunch of those retaining ponds around the business complex I work; sometimes you will see delivery drivers killing time by fishing in them, and the egrets seem to enjoy camping them as well, but I would never eat a fish from there after seeing just how thick a layer of road salt can accumulate on the surface after a snow or ice event.


Hard to tell since there's never any piles of dirt or anything, but they're definitely not for farming I don't think. I actually passed some paddies. Unsure for what since it was in the middle of Arkansas.


you're a... gator relocator?


see you later alligator


When I ended up living in Florida by mistake for 8 months I got a job with a landscaping company. The pay was bad. We always had to weedeat around ponds and every pond had gators in it. I met the guys that had the job of removing gators. They got paid a lot better than us. It seemed like fun and more importantly they were my people. So I ended up working for them.

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Guide to: tummy hort
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my stomach is a very fickle being.........


my stomach is a very ticklish being


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With some frequency in news and online I hear about "factory farming", but from my travels throughout the East Coast, Appalachia, the Midwest, South, and Southwest I have yet to actually see anything that looks like a factory farm. Cows in particular I've never seen anywhere other than modestly sized to large ranches. That said, I have been to chicken farms and can recall them being in cages to lay eggs and then their eggs would roll down metal tracks into a collection basket. I haven't really seen any pig farms. Sheep I've seen in Appalachia on small ranches. Horses you see everywhere on ranches (but obviously Americans don't eat horse). I wonder where all the factory farms are...


They're in the mid-west. East coast is mostly comprised of old small family farms that are slowly being converted into apartment complexes and gated communities.


Hmm. I suppose. Now that I think about it I've only been to the Rust Belt states of the Midwest. Not the true flyover states as it were...


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There's chicken farms around here. Don't have much else to say.

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