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/win/ - Winter

Seasonal Board for the Winter Season

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File:d05cedd4b0082166435d0f0dda….png (610.96 KB,850x1057)


when is fall again?
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


American names for things are dumb.


Fall is when the leaves fall, it works.


Ugg me amaerican 4 seasons ugg faal when fal hot when hot cold when cold flower when flower ugg make sense ugg


are you ok?


Actually, it's from 16th century England.

File:1367881241884.jpg (91.58 KB,700x700)


this board is full of win

File:157279104186.jpg (62.78 KB,600x424)


Cold weather is returning here and I'm getting comfy on kissu with some coffee.

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