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I don't like how genderbender shit is now IDpol bullshit. I just want to JO to r63 stuff.

Deleted by berun from >>>/jp/73989 Post No. 74007 from thread 73989


>I don't like how
"I don't like ___" posts are just ___ posts. Keep it to yourself

Deleted by berun from >>>/jp/73989 Post No. 74009 from thread 73989


¥I hate IDpol and just want to ignore politics!
¥Thus I will bring up IDpol to force politics into r63 threads!


¥ expressing concern that a fetish is now conflated with IDpoltards
¥ but oh no I'm in the wrong


Who are you yenning?




Think of it this way:
There is a thread about apples and then someone says "I HATE BANANAS"


terrible food analogy


here let me do you one better:
you're eating a nice steak with some buddies and then some fag comes to the table and says I HATE VEGANS! VEGANS HATE STEAK AND OH MY GOD VEGANS ARE THE WORST AREN'T THEY FUCKING VEGANS


definitely yes


all food analogies are inherently good


food analogies are usually too disconnected from the topic and too obviously a reflection of what the poster likes
the only good one that currently comes to mind is holy shit two cakes
HOWEVER, >>17006 isn't actually an analogy, the comparison isn't about fruit at all it's literally the same scenario still about an unwanted topic with a different name


a ruinously bad food analogy would be dobson saying PCs are like mcdonalds and macs are like fruit, because according to him macs are healthy
in that case he's not talking about either machine, it's about food that he's talking about and it fails because it doesn't correspond at all
in holy shit two cakes it's a comparison between art and food in that both can bring joy to someone, that's a good analogy
but the above post doesn't do that, it's still about actual unwanted conversations just using a random topic


now my mahiyo stumpy toes post looks like it came out of nowhere

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