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Deleted by verniy from >>>/jp/83823 Post No. 84266 from thread 83823

File:1735084730176281.jpg (152.37 KB,1280x1644)


=Youn sexy and cute teeeens and not only...=



Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/jp/ Post No. 84265 (OP)


cunny website

File:IMG_0389.jpeg (792.16 KB,3840x2160)


ayo Harry Potter marathon comin uo next with your favorite internet friends

suptv . org

Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/jp/ Post No. 84228 (OP)


is that zabujard? I LOVE ZABUJARD!!!!!!

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Christmas movie marathon with the bros

suptv . org

Deleted by verniy from >>>/xmas/ Post No. 901 (OP)



Deleted by verniy from >>>/qa/ Post No. 135913 (OP)


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Deleted by verniy from >>>/qa/112729 Post No. 135912 from thread 112729

File:Di Gi Charat - Hanami Spec….jpg (29.41 KB,320x235)


The kissu seasonal stream is starting in an hour!

Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/qa/ Post No. 135767 (OP)


File:[MoyaiSubs] Reiwa no Di Gi….jpg (325.76 KB,1920x1080)


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File:Di Gi Charat - 01 (BD 768x….jpg (117.51 KB,768x576)


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Deleted by verniy from >>>/poll/ Post No. 5157 (OP)
7 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


why does her hair turn green when she gets in the car


me snoozing on the back


so what were the poll results


It was deleted nearly immediately after posting so there were no results


gaymin being a fag once again

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Deleted by berun from >>>/aut/ Post No. 3690 (OP)
8 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



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Do you like mechanical keyboards or traditional stuff? You may be able to salvage the keyboard by taking the affected keys off and cleaning off the switches, but it's a lot of work and there's no guarantee it will fix anything.

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Circuit board is probably fried and if it was cat bile I wouldn't think it to work if not plugged in

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A bit late... but I already tried that and the end result was it was really barfed on hard...

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Moved to >>>/maho/2085.

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girls. it's Frog Friday

Deleted by berun from >>>/qa/ Post No. 135607 (OP)


dumb frogposter

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any dream interpreters around?
I need help interpreting my dream
in real life im 32 years old but in my dream I was back to being a kid, around 10-11 years old
I was riding a horse around the neighborhood when I came across a guy just chillin nearby
as I approached him with my horse, out of nowhere, my horse suddenly bit down and tore off half his head—literally ripping it apart.
he was unquestionably dead on the spot.
I started panicking, thinking, "omg omg omg, my life is over! my family will have to financially support his family forever, and I’m going to lose all my money!"

what the HELL?

Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/qa/ Post No. 135497 (OP)



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gonna condense this into the dreams thread since it will otherwise sit at 1-3 replies for a year

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Moved to >>>/qa/62191.

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i heard shimakaze is a trans icon now
what the fuck happened?

Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/jp/83355 Post No. 83367 from thread 83355


this post is a /trans/ icon now
this kind of disingenuous concern trolling is not something I have a tolerance for

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Can someone slide me $2500 for my wedding? Financially struggling a lot, can't wait to get married.

I can only say that, If I don't marry her asap, I will have to lose her which I can't tolerate in my entire lifetime.

Not making up any stories or something like that. If possible to help me out, please send me an email to anon33001@[link-ommited]

Pic for attention

Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/maho/ Post No. 2055 (OP)


how did /maho/ pick up this thread? normally it's /b/

File:epiclolis.png (1.86 MB,1700x1700)


Hi fellow Anon~

Current onion v3 URL : http://[link-ommited]/

Do you like cute lolis :3c ?
I'm here to announce a new tor forum, the "Lolicon Heaven". Unlike others, this one is focused on user anonymity, I do not log anything about users the only rules we have are :

> CP is banned (real video / pictures)
> Realistic CGI is banned

Back then, the internet had really A LOT of loli related websites and communities, they all got deleted / banned. So I thought it would be a good idea to start a new one
I hope this is the beginning of a new era.

Join the LoliconHeaven now, registration doesn't require email.
Moderation application are also open, also I'm wiling to accept the help of anyone who could possibly administrate the forum, let's make this huge.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


File:[Serenae] Wonderful Precur….jpg (264.55 KB,1920x1080)

Well, I wish you luck, but we can't have "loli" onion links on kissu...
It's better to advertise elsewhere as this is a minefield we'd rather not deal with.

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fed filename it's a FED fed fed fed fed fed fed DO NOT RESPOND the glowleaves are already on us and i was too late


I would say post on /secret/ if you want to advertise.



Not even going to look at them. Draw it yourself, you lazy faggot.

Also, drop the isekai and just make it about a group of cute anime girls fighting in the Rhodesian Bush War.

Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/poll/5158 Post No. 5159 from thread 5158
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


Oh, and no.
Fuck you I'm writing GATE but with the RSF and SADF.

Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/poll/5158 Post No. 5161 from thread 5158


Go read the goddamn IRC logs you fucking pitchskin coon.

Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/poll/5158 Post No. 5162 from thread 5158


¥ HURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR I don't know what a stand in is and I'm going to make it everyone's problem
That's what you sound like. Fucking vote or get the fuck off the pot.

Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/poll/5158 Post No. 5163 from thread 5158


Also nice reddit spacing you fucking faggot, go back there why don't you, with all the faggots that get irrationally angry at someone using AI art.

Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/poll/5158 Post No. 5164 from thread 5158


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You wanna see me fucking draw huh?
Here, present for you.

Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/poll/5158 Post No. 5165 from thread 5158

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