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Pray For Us Saint Michiruko, martyr for the Sharty

Tone 4
O righteous warrior of the digital forum,
Who didst expose the wickedness of the janitors,
Thou didst cry out in truth, yet wast reviled and cast out.
Bearing mockery for the sake of the just,
Thou didst pray even for the pooners and trooners,
O Michiruko, martyr for the Sharty,
Intercede for us who strive against the Feds,
That we may not be banned unjustly,
But may receive the eternal meme of victory!

Kontakion of Saint Michiruko, Martyr for the Sharty
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.



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Wolf in sheep clothing detected. Pedophiles get the rope
>inb4 but it's loli
traced from CP and the ending has actual pedophiliac activism.

Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/qa/4165 Post No. 137300 from thread 4165
6 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


>How do you know?
Unteralterbach was high profile enough to raise alarms. Activists aren't afraid of actually looking at CSAM for whistleblowing purposes.
>r was it advocating for things that don't result in children being harmed at all?
I'll not lower kissu's tone by engaging your bullshit.

Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/qa/4165 Post No. 137307 from thread 4165


None of this really matters because law enforcement would rather go after copy right violations rather than the argument of if artwork counts as CP. So hentai is really the least of anyones concern unless you're trying to be a citizen justice

Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/qa/4165 Post No. 137308 from thread 4165


>traced from CP and the ending has actual pedophiliac activism.
Who gives a shit.

Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/qa/4165 Post No. 137309 from thread 4165


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>Activists aren't afraid of actually looking at CSAM for whistleblowing purposes
I bet they aren't.

Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/qa/4165 Post No. 137310 from thread 4165


I'll delete it later after people get it out of their system. It definitely doesn't deserve its own thread.

Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/qa/4165 Post No. 137313 from thread 4165

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I'm looking everywhere for a way to watch F91 & I just can't seen to find it. Reddit tells me Gundaminfo rotations, & info websites be telling me it's "oN ChRUNchyroLL" when it obviously fuckin is not. Is there like a website I can watch it online?

Deleted by verniy from >>>/qa/ Post No. 137179 (OP)


Reddit is self censored corporate morons afraid of piracy because they think being banned will ruin their life. "Info websites" are just AI made SEO scams that ruined search engines for affiliate money or to push their own products for free, search engines self censored to benefit corporate overlords.

I'm sure one of these are fine.

Just pirate it like a normal person born in the 20th century. A client like Deluge, Transmission, or qBittorrent will do the trick. Your computer has a built in video player, but you can download a better one like MPV, MPC, or VLC, or whatever else is out there.

You'll also be able to bring the pirated copies of your favorite shows on trips if you go outside.

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i hope it gets worse!

Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/qa/125141 Post No. 137173 from thread 125141


pwease dothnt be mean to miseryposting retards



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Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/qa/4165 Post No. 136765 from thread 4165


Cool GDM-FW900

File:girl_758.png (1.85 KB,128x128)


This website transported me to the breathtaking landscapes of the Canadian Rockies where luxurious lodges and alpine adventures invite nature lovers to explore. The captivating imagery reflects the beauty of this pristine environment. I appreciate the opportunity to voice my thoughts on such an engaging site

Here’s where you can find out more about my work <a href=http://[link-ommited]-takoe-boksity></a>

Deleted by verniy from >>>/maho/ Post No. 2307 (OP)

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peko chan
40 images link https://[link-ommited]

Deleted by verniy from >>>/ec/ Post No. 15289 (OP)

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Every day that bitcoin crashes a wave of bliss washes over me. It's been a blissful week.

Deleted by berun from >>>/jp/ Post No. 84822 (OP)


and how is this related to /jp/?

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Because the legitimate usage of crypto factors into Japanese culture through the means of eroge and other otaku media censorship that occurs through western payment methods who attempt to subvert culture through bullying platforms that have no choice but to accept their demands or face a slashed customer-base that has no other means of utilizing the platform. Crypto being a great and anonymous alternative to these payment processors is the ideal solution and the sooner it loses its status as a speculative gamble machine and goes back to its roots as a more anonymous currency the sooner people will start adopting it en masse for payment processing over dumb credit cards and then we can finally be free of the imperialism and I should just have this moved to /maho/

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Moved to >>>/maho/2226.

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Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/jp/84717 Post No. 84720 from thread 84717


lots of terrible posts from this guy that first came here to advertise a "qa" board in happenings thread. it's rangeban time




very reddit post

Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/qa/136274 Post No. 136588 from thread 136274(IP switching to create multiple antagonistic thread derailing posts)
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.



Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/qa/136274 Post No. 136596 from thread 136274


delusional(IP switching to create multiple antagonistic thread derailing posts)


me too my buttocks is very cubic(IP switching to create multiple antagonistic thread derailing posts)


dumb antagonistard.


could you fuck off back to your reddithole.

File:sakuya sacabambaspis.jpg (54.42 KB,836x470)


no way 4chan.qa

Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/qa/4165 Post No. 136518 from thread 4165
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


>lgbt board

Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/qa/4165 Post No. 136526 from thread 4165


>The R*bbit Rally
>Welcome to The R*bbit Rally, a site dedicated to political topics and the character Pepe the Frog. REMEMBER: Tr*mpFlare is right, and always has the final say. >Please read the FAQ and rules.
>TRR Meta - Business Inquiries - Very Important Patriots - Holocaust Redpills
Thanks, now I need to get chemotherapy.

Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/qa/4165 Post No. 136551 from thread 4165



Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/qa/4165 Post No. 136553 from thread 4165


I'm gonna throw up.

Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/qa/4165 Post No. 136554 from thread 4165


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Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/qa/4165 Post No. 136555 from thread 4165

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imagebarod hppenig i just shat my pants

Deleted by berun from >>>/qa/4165 Post No. 136519 from thread 4165




My desire to discuss 3DS hacking is fighting with my hatred for namefags and people who think typing like a retard is how you rp as a girl.

Deleted by berun from >>>/maho/2196 Post No. 2205 from thread 2196


noooooo, this was an important step in the development of the thread. now it makes less sense

File:girl_1368.png (1.72 KB,128x128)


Wassup, homie? I'm hyped to hear all your wild tales.
Exploring your site was akin to having a luxurious spa day in Bali, where every detail is designed for relaxation and tranquility. The soft colors and beautiful imagery create a peaceful retreat that invites visitors to unwind. I appreciate the opportunity to share my thoughts on this beautifully crafted experience that promotes relaxation and serenity.
Your site is like a rich chocolate mousse, smooth and indulgent! I’d be thrilled to have a culinary artist like you guest star on my pages <a href=http://[link-ommited]/>buy diploma fast</a>
Adieu, and may your path be guided by the stars

Deleted by berun from >>>/maho/ Post No. 2212 (OP)


saar do not redeem the imageboard pass

File:^_^.jpg (1.14 MB,1892x1440)


Kissu's Palworld server is now online!


We last played in January and there's been some big patches since then. For those who don't know, it's a third person building/Pokemon capturing game. I think the term is "open world crafting survival" or something, but it's Japanese so it's cute and quirky. People called it "Pokemon with guns", which is kind of true for the atmosphere but it's more than that.
For those that did play last time, here's the patch notes for the second major patch: https://[link-ommited][link-ommited]

Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/jp/ Post No. 84341 (OP)
55 posts and 13 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Yes. The server is up they haven't announced it yet

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Server is up, but the post is too old to see on /all/

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After you make your character and you choose a spawning spot, be aware that it's not a permanent thing. Once you die you'll choose where to spawn again.

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Just edit the OP

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Moved to >>>/qa/136312.

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