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File:love live.jpg (158.66 KB,460x215)


i watched love live school idol project 6 years ago but i never finished it and i don't remember too much about it, so i will watch it today

Deleted by berun from >>>/aut/ Post No. 1836 (OP)
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No, You!

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No... You!

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no i didn't

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wa ha ha

Deleted by berun from >>>/aut/ Post No. 2264 (OP)
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stop crying bocchi

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i'm a super girl~
super girl~

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File:__patchouli_knowledge_touh….jpg (295.05 KB,1000x1412)


(This thread is partially in response to some of the posts in https://[link-ommited])
The way people look at civilization collapse, especially internet people, is a gross simplification of the way things actually work. Honestly, the term "collapse" itself bothers me, because it encourages that sort of thinking.

Civilizations don't fall apart over night. The most famous example of civilization collapse, the collapse of the Western Roman Empire, was a slow, incremental process, much longer than a single life time, and by the time it had fully died it might as well have already been dead. It's paramount to an old man in bad health dying of a heart attack; it's sad, but everyone knew it was going to happen sooner or later, and so they were prepared for it.

And to be clear, I get that a modern collapse would probably be a bigger deal than the collapses of yesteryear. We're more dependent on our infrastructure now than we've ever been, and our infrastructure is more dependant on technology now than its ever been. Things are definitely going to be different without them. But the process itself is still a gradual one; gradual enough to give people time to adjust to the new normal as it developes. We're not going to turn into Mad Max where we're all scrounging for resources and killing each other any time soon, and it's most certainly not going to happen over night unless there's a nuclear holocaust or something.

Deleted by berun from >>>/aut/ Post No. 2511 (OP)
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The Western Roman Empire isn't really a good example of a societal collapse.
Because society did not collapse, it was the empire that did and in that collapsed a period of turmoil ensued that had Germanic tribes marauding around the empire causing havoc, taking over areas and setting down. But even then, it was not as bad as people make it out to be, even during these times society still functioned, it was not completely destroyed.

A better example would be the Bronze Age collapse.

But still I don't see it ever happening to us.

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The Roman Empire didn't collapse in a day, but villages on its frontier did. That's what people are really afraid of: that they'll be on the front lines of change. Only instead of famines and barbarians, we worry about rising sea levels and nuclear strikes.

We have. Humanity has survived at least one full on ice age and came out more widespread than ever. Both the third century crisis and the bronze age collapse were caused in part by climate events that sparked food shortages and mass migrations. Desertification has caused regions like north Africa and the middle east to be much less fertile than they were 2000 years ago. The only thing that's new is that we think we can stop it from happening this time. Actually, that's not new either, it's just that we've switched from praying for salvation and atoning for our sins to sorting the recyclables and counting carbon emissions which will probably be at least somewhat more effective.

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Collapseniks are a sign of the times, the Just Stop Oil people believe very psuedoscientific things and the figurehead of the movement is an autistic girl with magical powers

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A single mention of a reddit buzzword is enough to warant a lock

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Moved to >>>/secret/20918.

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Please look at this image.

Deleted by berun from >>>/aut/ Post No. 2619 (OP)
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what a philosophical question.

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File:F9byNnLbwAAalEf.jpg (40.39 KB,599x671)

Only if you look at this one.

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Well, patchy? I opened the door for you, do you want to go in or not?

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File:kissu-spoiler.png (Spoiler Image,71.68 KB,255x255)

Why is furry patchy so cute?

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Isn't she always?

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File:2023-12-11-101409_862x1021….png (192.2 KB,862x1021)


Install Linux on your personal computers.

Deleted by berun from >>>/aut/ Post No. 2935 (OP)
29 posts and 7 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


How is this for gaming? I don't know if I'd use it for gaming. It seems like it's more designed towards realtime applications like video/audio production which might not play well with typical games. I'd love to hear if you're using this kernel config for gaming and how it fares compared to more typical configs.

I've personally found the default Gentoo kernel config and Debian's pre-compiled kernel to be just fine for playing video games over the years. I won't get into details about my own autism kernel config. But I will say kernel config never seemed to have much effect on games no matter how slim I made it or how much I compiled in. I mostly just got better boot times and better resource usage under certain advanced applications like a/v work.

The gaming situation is much like Windows world in Linux. The vast majority of games you're going to play are either going to be running through wine, proton (wine) with steam's 32-bit libs or via Windows VM. Hence why I keep that away from the rest of my system now.

I haven't attempted to game on a kernel tuned for real time in some time but from what I do remember it either did nothing or hurt my overall FPS. But not by much. Depended on what else I had running in the background.

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I compile my own kernel with the Linux-tkg project (https://[link-ommited]-Family/linux-tkg) but I've heard good things about zen and liquorix for games.

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How does that automatically make me a NEET?

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Nice I'll check it out then when I have time after the holidays. To be fair most of the games I do run aren't really that GPU intensive. I mostly play 2D stuff and fighting games. With the odd FPS thrown in. But most of this stuff is either locked at 60-144fps or runs at 300+fps on old hardware anyway. I haven't picked up an AAA game in a long time. Curious to see if this will work in the one MMO I still play (PSO2). Again not a very intensive game graphics wise.

All that said I still think learning Gentoo is worth it for someone that hasn't dipped their toes in the water beyond distros like Mint and Ubuntu. Since genkernel makes setting up and maintaining kernel configs easy. Oh and the ability to drop diff files straight into portage's directories and have them automatically picked up by ebuilds. Whenever I'm on Arch or another distro without portage I really miss all that stuff. Gentoo and Funtoo can use git instead of rsync these days. So you don't have to muck around with maintaining a bunch of crap by hand in your ~ anymore.

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Moved to >>>/win/2364.

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 No.19142[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Have you read any interesting articles lately? Anything news worthy you think kissu would want to know about?

Deleted by berun from >>>/aut/ Post No. 860 (OP)
254 posts and 37 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File:waterfox_UakoKBXqHK.png (1.69 MB,1200x900)

It took a month, but it finally erupted.

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crashing would be certain death

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Well I mean, it apready is in most cases.

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with no survivors

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Moved to >>>/qa/127237.

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Deleted by berun from >>>/sum/ Post No. 374 (OP)

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Deleted by berun from >>>/sum/ Post No. 602 (OP)
25 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



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mom! when did you get so young? w-wait what's happening to me... uwaaa... uwaaa... lhasdfkjasdfn,mv

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hi again

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to >>19139
feeling a bit nervous, hope I can get this right...
need a drink of water, be right back
h- *cough cough* oh it's heartburn
need an antacid
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Deleted by berun from >>>/sum/ Post No. 857 (OP)

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reply to this thread to die instantly

Deleted by berun from >>>/sum/ Post No. 856 (OP)


File:[SubsPlease] One Room S3 -….jpg (702.77 KB,1920x1080)

This better work.

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File:[SubsPlease] Maou-jou de O….jpg (123.42 KB,1280x720)


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didn't work

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File:1497198253655.jpg (55.14 KB,560x447)


Lolicons can rest easy. The internets have become a bit safer now.


Deleted by berun from >>>/sum/ Post No. 526 (OP)


But he was released?

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But that's not lo...
I guess it's poetic that a vigilante voyeurism host has had repeated legal trobule, huh. I remember that the internet activist group that assisted with it was pretty shady, although I guess was overall a good thing... probably.

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File:0885aaa3ac813421261f52e576….png (182.6 KB,477x500)

I'd forgotten that this one was from Kanikama. The way he draws has changed quite a lot, hasn't it? Seems shinier, and with thicker lines.
He's also making way, way more ero.

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File:FXITYQGaMAA69dk.jpg (Spoiler Image,115.59 KB,643x1000)

He's quite the pervert

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Deleted by berun from >>>/sum/ Post No. 1786 (OP)
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how poor is miyako?

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Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


she can't even afford a picture >>19096

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such a shame that hiro was too fat to do basic arm swings

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File:maxresdefault (3).jpg (82.67 KB,1280x720)



Deleted by berun from >>>/sum/ Post No. 6 (OP)


this was the last thread on the board until i made this post

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come on in the water's fine

Deleted by berun from >>>/sum/ Post No. 2186 (OP)


but it's almost autumn...

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File:FeetInTheAir.jpg (147.91 KB,1920x1080)


Studio Blanc. is shaping up to be a leader in the foot animation industry.

Deleted by berun from >>>/sum/ Post No. 2516 (OP)


File:FeetOnTheGround.jpg (162.44 KB,1920x1080)


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isn't this... gay?

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Nothing gay about letting your bro step on you with his soft delicate feet.

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File:[SubsPlus ] Helck - S01E05….jpg (265.74 KB,1920x1080)

Hmm... those almost seem like 3D toes to me. I would need to see it in motion, but that's a good sign as to the quality I suppose

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Not pointy enough.

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