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File:udkm1uwoym4e1.png (246.81 KB,960x540)


Reminder that soyjak niggers are allergic to cute and funny girls

Deleted by verniy from >>>/qa/4165 Post No. 137550 from thread 4165

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Deleted by verniy from >>>/qa/ Post No. 137526 (OP)

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Deleted by verniy from >>>/qa/ Post No. 137555 (OP)

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>Reminder that soyjak niggers are allergic to cute and funny girls

Deleted by verniy from >>>/qa/4165 Post No. 137554 from thread 4165


%:~$WM X

Deleted by verniy from >>>/qa/4165 Post No. 137515 from thread 4165

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big happening just happened
i throwed poop at lady

Deleted by verniy from >>>/qa/4165 Post No. 137507 from thread 4165

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Antonia Eliana Ortiz Schiaffino me tiro el peo en mi nariz

Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/b/6288 Post No. 12964 from thread 6288


I think this is the third time we received a random fart fetish post in some other language


it looks like a meme, there's a bunch of stuff like it that appears when googling "antonia eliana ortiz schiaffino" (including quotes)
even led me to kemono.party's imageboard which i didn't know existed:





that's weird

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Soygem.party is shuttering at the end of the month.

Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/qa/4165 Post No. 137354 from thread 4165


The shemmy now redirects to AllTheFallen

Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/qa/4165 Post No. 137415 from thread 4165


I was too tolerant towards allowing this crap in the happenings thread and someone felt that a wojak gloating thread for attacking other imageboards belonged in the happening thread
well, no more

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Should I read the Bible? I’ve already had my confirmation and all, but it seems like a pretty important book.

Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/jp/ Post No. 85409 (OP)


I only read the book of Matthew in the ESV translation of the New Testament. It's easy and quick.

Moved by followup


The vile fetishes of the authors become obvious quickly when God starts demanding the tips of children's penises be cut off in Genesis. I've heard the New Testament isn't as bad but I completely lost my appetite for reading anymore of the bible after that.

Moved by followup


I think I'll move this to /win/...

Moved by followup


Moved to >>>/win/3055.

Moved by followup

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Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/jp/85109 Post No. 85340 from thread 85109


that wasn't very cool of you guy


that was kinda silly and funny

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COVID tests that people are shoving up their noses have micro beads of super absorbent polymers. So if you're blowing white snot it's because someone has smoked the drugs around you that cause you to expel the beads through your perivascular system. This was someone's idea of a sick joke because people who test for illness are "babies".

Deleted by berun from >>>/ec/ Post No. 15360 (OP)


be careful about that 5g on your phone, you never know when they're going to use it to fry your brain


this wasn't very erocute


they have my dna in a national database against my will dna info has been digitized and shared with the allied intelligence community they are entitled to one and all genetic material if you refuse blood draw at child birth cps will be called and its a misdemenor i accept diy crispr theres no way to know if they have the right to sell that dna information for companies providing medical equipment might even have a clause that forces the hospitals to exchange genetic information trust them not to make profit off our data or dont even think about the subject at all irs are hunting me down if i travel and surrender my citizenship i am forced to pay taxes against my will disappearance is my only option

File:redditsoy (1).png (150.24 KB,680x676)


>[link-ommited] is a forum that blends modern design with the traditional imageboard format. The content is geared towards the Japanese Otaku audience, but discussing events which occur on the internet is never out of the question. If there's ever real world discussion on Kissu, it in some way loops back to the internet. Hopefully you can enjoy your time reading the content of others or discussing your thoughts in a thread. We like to keep it friendly, but if you disagree with something then you can respectfully speak your mind. Much of the unique features on this site are derived from popular boorus and technology from a variety of contemporary sources.

Deleted by verniy from >>>/qa/ Post No. 137385 (OP)

File:Making CP with Onpu-chan!.webm (2.72 MB,640x480)


Oldfags that have been fapping to CP on /b/ since ~2005 aren't the cancer that kills imageboards, and neither are the japs that still buy and sell junior idol gravure DVDs/BDs legally on just about every JP online store and discuss how much they enjoy masturbating to them on JP imageboards.

Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/qa/4165 Post No. 137367 from thread 4165


amazing cp commentary

Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/qa/4165 Post No. 137368 from thread 4165


I'm not one to normally try and stifle discussion, but if we could try and avoid this topic in particular I think that'd be great.

Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/qa/4165 Post No. 137369 from thread 4165


it's impossible. We've harbored the wrong crowd on this site.

Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/qa/4165 Post No. 137370 from thread 4165


nice concerntrolling retard

Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/qa/4165 Post No. 137371 from thread 4165


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feeling obligated to say the nigger and țranny word out of nowhere right here right now

Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/qa/4165 Post No. 137372 from thread 4165(USER BROUGHT THE EPIC TO THE POWER)

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Pray For Us Saint Michiruko, martyr for the Sharty

Tone 4
O righteous warrior of the digital forum,
Who didst expose the wickedness of the janitors,
Thou didst cry out in truth, yet wast reviled and cast out.
Bearing mockery for the sake of the just,
Thou didst pray even for the pooners and trooners,
O Michiruko, martyr for the Sharty,
Intercede for us who strive against the Feds,
That we may not be banned unjustly,
But may receive the eternal meme of victory!

Kontakion of Saint Michiruko, Martyr for the Sharty
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.



Moved by followup


Wolf in sheep clothing detected. Pedophiles get the rope
>inb4 but it's loli
traced from CP and the ending has actual pedophiliac activism.

Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/qa/4165 Post No. 137300 from thread 4165
6 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


>How do you know?
Unteralterbach was high profile enough to raise alarms. Activists aren't afraid of actually looking at CSAM for whistleblowing purposes.
>r was it advocating for things that don't result in children being harmed at all?
I'll not lower kissu's tone by engaging your bullshit.

Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/qa/4165 Post No. 137307 from thread 4165


None of this really matters because law enforcement would rather go after copy right violations rather than the argument of if artwork counts as CP. So hentai is really the least of anyones concern unless you're trying to be a citizen justice

Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/qa/4165 Post No. 137308 from thread 4165


>traced from CP and the ending has actual pedophiliac activism.
Who gives a shit.

Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/qa/4165 Post No. 137309 from thread 4165


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>Activists aren't afraid of actually looking at CSAM for whistleblowing purposes
I bet they aren't.

Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/qa/4165 Post No. 137310 from thread 4165


I'll delete it later after people get it out of their system. It definitely doesn't deserve its own thread.

Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/qa/4165 Post No. 137313 from thread 4165

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