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File:1628259584340.mp4 (2.11 MB,460x850)


When did they make a live action adaptation of Sport Climbing Girls?


wow that is a strange resolution


man that's gotta suck, you're 2 seconds faster than your opponent and at the last second you screw it all up


foot slipped


speaking of the olympics what the hell is this


This anime was surprisingly good.


It's weird, I thought Russians were only going to be in some events as part of the slap on the wrist for the whole Sochi cheating thing, but they're everywhere. With this and pushing ahead during a pandemic (with very bad results in Tokyo) it's really apparent how much it's run as a business.
The Russian woman here was definitely much faster, but I wonder if she was going faster than he brain could process it and that's what cost her the win. Yeah, it does look like a slip but I wonder if that's the result.

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