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/sum/ - Summer

Seasonal board for the Summer Season

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File:4c14392b06c8f2d2bbb0a51c58….gif (12.08 MB,960x540)


So how are you enjoying the beach this summer?


File:137e9c2970f5721e43097c93a0….jpg (123.15 KB,784x1023)

the beaches near me don't have such pretty water or beaches
usually don't enjoy them and this summer isn't much different


Summer simply exists as a buffer between spring and fall. Winter is too annoying and Summer is for norms. The two other seasons are best


I'll foght you for that, Winter is the best.


WAY too hot lately
air conditioner can't counter it enough
also it's really humid around here so it's significantly worse than just the temperature


Well its the middle of winter where I live, so no. Not that I go to the beach much at any time of the year though.


get to the beach now!

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