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File:1497198253655.jpg (55.14 KB,560x447)


Lolicons can rest easy. The internets have become a bit safer now.



But he was released?


But that's not lo...
I guess it's poetic that a vigilante voyeurism host has had repeated legal trobule, huh. I remember that the internet activist group that assisted with it was pretty shady, although I guess was overall a good thing... probably.


File:0885aaa3ac813421261f52e576….png (182.6 KB,477x500)

I'd forgotten that this one was from Kanikama. The way he draws has changed quite a lot, hasn't it? Seems shinier, and with thicker lines.
He's also making way, way more ero.


File:FXITYQGaMAA69dk.jpg (Spoiler Image,115.59 KB,643x1000)

He's quite the pervert

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