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File:1624223585184.png (719.49 KB,750x1036)


going to collect Japanese girl images from terrible places


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Keep it a himitsu


holy heck who's this?


some korean ho


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gravure is japanese culture


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all things are fine if japanese and in moderation


I disagree.


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Terrible how browsing the worst places yields the sexiest broads


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repost blog


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same person or am i being a bigot?


damn, i'm going to hell.
664 is かの のぞみ
and 869 is 落落Raku


I really don't see it


long bangs, shiny black hair


differently defined lashes/eyebrows and the nose looks different, also 664 has thicker thighs


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Minami Yamada is an eroi lady


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File:swimsuit-collection-hip-h….jpeg (771.06 KB,1826x2560)


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youtube gravure is apparently a thing


shab boobers


heh. not anymore, bub.



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