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File:[SubsPlease] AI no Idenshi….jpg (226.13 KB,1920x1080)


There's a WEBP exploit floating around out there so you should update your browser and anything else that you might use to open the cursed format known as WEBP


how is it that images always carry malicous data


Bleh... I really don't want to update Waterfox because the newer versions did the same thing as all the other browsers and completely ripped out Flash support.


typical webpiss


use librewolf


Should use jpeg-xl instead


You can just disable webp in about:config


This is true, but it kills some things like youtube thumbnails and even kissu video thumbnails (or was it just webm thumbnails that are webp...)



why would you even change. it's already been patched. And what was the extent of the exploit anyways


File:waterfox_PU2J6L0iJD.png (14.15 KB,727x425)

Yeah, the waterfox fix is out, too. Pretty speedy


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