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/sum/ - Summer

Seasonal board for the Summer Season

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File:1489696668023.jpg (78.92 KB,600x507)


if you are reading this i hope you have a great day
thank you for reading this


File:Capture _2022-08-20-23-59-….png (1.32 MB,521x1429)

i'm having a horrible day at the moment
but thank you...i appreciate the sentiment.


File:[Serenae] Hirogaru Sky! Pr….jpg (220.83 KB,1920x1080)

Hello! Thank you, I hope you have a nice day too!


File:1687967104078738.jpg (74.17 KB,930x844)

Thank you good sir! I hope you also have a great day.


File:have a wonderful day anon.gif (266.79 KB,400x400)

Thanks bro. You too


File:1688518802921780.jpg (149.78 KB,1000x1000)

thank you i just recently got sick and i feel horrible :c


Japanese girls and their iMacs


I hope you feel better.




thank you! im feeling way much better, just a stuffy nose thats all :p


File:1688961367228981.gif (164.26 KB,244x266)

Your welcome good sir!

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