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/sum/ - Summer

Seasonal board for the Summer Season

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File:20230903_154457.jpg (2.96 MB,4000x3000)




it's the sea!!


File:anzu mizugi.jpg (51.46 KB,850x578)

i don't like the outdoors, can we stay inside and play smash instead?


it's been so long since I've seen the sea that it feels almost unreal.


This is the sea, as you can see.


File:F4BimA2aQAAHRNO.jpg (1.03 MB,1518x2150)



File:b6bd5797183dae7f29fc334309….png (2.04 MB,1350x1800)

Labor Day is over.
The teens are back in school.
The beach is mine to enjoy!

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