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File:IAPbbOFFLi9djtMv.mp4 (4.94 MB,888x482)


Check out this video


There's shit on the back.......


howdy doody lmao


america is the most strangest place god has ever created lmao


I don't get it. Even if he could buy a livestock trailer or it was out of commission, couldn't he at least have rented one?


File:Car riding horse ! yes tha….mp4 (5.13 MB,320x240)

This one is better


That is one smart horse


The car says "Nebraska's BIG RODEO Parade" on the side


the most normalest day in the south


File:[Seigyoku] Hyakushou Kizok….jpg (329.65 KB,1920x1080)

Seems pretty cool. You can see that the roof was split in half straight down the middle and bolted to reinforce it. It wasn't shoddy work, at least from what we can see. The windshield is probably thick plastic now, but if it's not then it's extra impressive since it involves glass work. I'm kind of curious to see how the gate thing works, although I imagine it's something simple since you can see the yellow metal gate attached to the white "door" with plastic things I can't remember the name of.
It's for a parade, so I doubt he was going to drive with it normally much, although it could work for taking livestock to an animal hospital or transporting large objects maybe?


I saw that but I'm saying that no matter what they put on the side of it a car was not the appropriate vehicle for this.


File:[HorribleSubs] Uma Musume ….jpg (93.9 KB,1280x720)

moshi moshi horse desu~


It looks like he put more effort and resources into modifying his car to do that than it would have taken to just get a trailer. Maybe he just really wanted company on the road.


he thinks its funny when it shits all over his car


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File:1609898043694.jpg (26.49 KB,394x410)

4piss lingo is NG.

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