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File:26-yankee-division.jpg (358.09 KB,940x1454)


Whats your favorite set of playing card?

There is more than you think, and even if you have no interest in card games of any kind, they're nice pieces of art from the culture and setting of their time.

I'm sure most of you don't care about the pre-industrial royal decks, but if you're from an English speaking country, you may not know that you use a French deck and that the German, Spanish-Italian and Portuguese (†) have/had different suits.

Pic related is from 1933, and is a war deck, it feels more modern than a lot of card packs produced today, which often try to invoke feelings of the past. My brain is so fried by modern media that my first thought to seeing pre-80s Americana was "Wow, this is like Fallout!", dumbly taking a couple of moments before realizing this is the iconography Fallout, especially OG fallout was recreating.

Asians have their own decks, and East Asians have several, I'm sure you know about Hanafuda and Sakura but the Chinese may have invented playing cards entirely!



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Childrens game "Happy Family", from France, 1930.


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More Fallout-y imagery, early 70s. There are a lot of political cards weirdly enough.


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1960s beer promotional pack, notable for being made by Nintendo!


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Naipes Condor con símbolos Chilenos.


that is trippy


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No explanation necessary.


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mid 70s nostalgia/memorial deck


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... and mid-2000s net emoticon mini deck


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Baraja Cuauhtémoc, 1950.


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Game from the twilight of the 19th century, looks like it could be a goldmine for reaction images.


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Why, Windows Solitaire of course. Obviously everyone knew the best cards were the beach and the ice cream cone (which people apparently think is a seashell but it is clearly ice cream)


File:[SubsPlus ] Helck - S01E04….jpg (230.67 KB,1920x1080)

aaaaa someone beat me to it! CURSE YOU >>2456


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Yes, these are a gold mine


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World cup 98 Happy Family, only notable because of how racist the art comes off from something made in 1998


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speaking of Japan.... and racism....
Durarara has a card set!


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Taro Okamoto Playing Cards, 1977


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Japanese Women, memorial deck, early 80s


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This is from 2010, it's crazy how much One Piece has changed visually from just 13 years ago


they almost caught the japanese guy doing a tehepero


do I even need to say it


i saw the deleted POST PICS OF CAT!!


File:istockphoto-529982431-612x….jpg (71.4 KB,417x612)

I really really like how Spanish cards are decorated. The aces almost always have a unique design (sword is my favorite), in some cases the 2s and 3s do as well, and middle numbers have stuff like varying orientations and little props to fill empty space. Very cool stuff.


Not really playing cards but I really like the art work on my mum's Tattot cards.


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Not exactly related to playing cards, but I still have a whole bunch of Lion King cards from Burger King back in the day. I was obsessed with Lion King when it came out and BK had a licensing thing with Disney to include cards in their kid's meals and I successfully pestered my mom for us to eat there a lot when it was going on. I remember the stores being decorated with Lion King stuff as well.
Anyway, the cards were really nice and had two sides. Some of the cards had character information on the back while others were part of a larger image that you could match like in the upper right of this image. I still have a lot of these cards, maybe I can go dig them out if anyone is interested (not my pic). Unfortunately as a kid I taped together the ones that produced a large image and that damaged them.
Fond memories of a time when America could produce beautiful animation...

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