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File:[SubsPlease] Shiro Seijo t….jpg (171.23 KB,1920x1080)


Uhh, people in blog thread are talking about youtube ideologies and feet or something and it doesn't belong in the blog thread so here's a thread for it.
The subject of "youtube ideologies" makes me I think it's more of a fit for the seasonal boards. So, here it is. BRACE FOR POST MOVING!


Ideologies that are brute forced onto the general public through youtube recommendations should be called youtubepills


You mean like foot centric city planning?


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foot centric ideology


And thalassophobia


Seeing "-pill" lets you immediately know to completely disregard everything someone says, so I agree


I was more thinking the geopolitical angles it pushes


>foot centric city planning
city pop


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The only youtube ideology I'm aware of is that you need to make funny faces in thumbnails to get views. Anyone who doesn't follow this is throwing away a huge chunk of views and thus money, or so it would seem. Maybe it's just momentum now and the algorithm is more likely to recommend those


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Take the footpill...


There are plenty of very successful channels that don't do that and using those faces would also lose them viewers.

YouTubers seem to just copy each other with not much though behind it, the latest trend that really annoys me is the short preview clip intro that many have now.


I absolutely detest those faces


I do not detest those feet!


I like feet if they're on a cute girl, but there's so many weird fetishes around feet I get scared...


Are there? Apart from the guys that like feet itself, I can only think of it in the dominant "stepping on you" kind of way


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The Youtube ideology im sick of is overanalyzing star wars, yes there is no way the Rebel Alliance could've won the GCW but its not Warhammer or something like that, its a soft sci-fi movie trilogy thats only so cool because of the score.




What do you mean by it's not Warhammer? They are both pretty silly.

I don't really care if people overanalysis media like that, let them have their fun.


Yes they're both silly but I'm saying there's nothing as detailed as the history that exists for 40K. A lot is implied in SW, I guess I am being party pooper though but I feel like they are too! Its a fun popcorn trilogy


The online discourse about Star Wars in general is strange to me, the original trilogy is agreed to be the best but that time in the universe has by far the least interest online


Ahh, that. I don't really follow either that much so I can't say.

I actually like the prequels the best, even as a kid I never liked the originals.

I don't know a lot about this but I think it's because of the time frame when most people grew up but also maybe there is more media for the other eras. Again not sure but the Prequels had that trilogy and also the Clone wars TV show. I don't keep up with Disney so I have no idea where the shows or movies they are making are set.


I never liked The Clone Wars because I liked the battle droids and felt bad for them


They knew the risk when they took the job.


That's because there isn't much to discuss from that period outside of the movies, and the movies are pretty straightforward. The EU in the early days had a bunch of crappy novels and cash-in comics that are better left forgotten. Those, plus the movies themselves, kind of limit the stuff that can be crammed into that time period. There is good stuff like Shadow of the Empire and Rogue Squadron, but they're not overly consequential. And the less said about Disney's rewrites of the canon the better.

There's a lot more content focused on what happened after Episode 6, but it's still made up of a lot of hit-or-miss novels/comics from that era between the trilogies when popular interest wasn't being as actively drawn to the series. This is probably the actual least discussed time period. I hardly ever see people talk about the New Jedi Order or Legacy periods beyond someone occasionally calling them bad.

The prequels, and especially episodes 2 and 3, really ramped up the EU with a ton of supplementary material designed and released alongside the movies. I think episode 2 had six different games all released within the movie's release window. So even if the prequels themselves are horribly written, the overall amount of content that has more than fringe appeal for that period is much higher than for the OT period. Also, it's easier to make critiques and quote hilariously bad lines than to formulate meaningful praise.

The Old Republic era is kind of an outlier in that 95% of its discussion is centered on the two KotOR games, which have a large and very dedicated fanbase anda ton of stuff worth talking about, with 2 in particular being a gold mine. They're practically movie-level entries within those circles and the other stuff from the period like the Exar-kun war are basically just side notes.


Old Republic feels like a completely different series.

The youtube crowd recently discovered the Yuzhaan Vong arc and seemed to like it, at least in the context of the series doing something different.

Talking about it like this make it sounds like the EU was the American version of a WSJ series


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Of stuff from the GCW some of the old comics had an aesthetic I liked.

The empire trying to play off the destruction of Alderaan as a false flag operation was a very funny detail


googled "heckin chino" and got pages on chinese hackers
this is not heckin nor chino


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