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/sum/ - Summer

Seasonal board for the Summer Season

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it is too hot please turn the heat down thank you


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File:[Erai-raws] The Idolmaster….jpg (326.51 KB,1920x1080)

heat death.....



File:[SubsPlease] Helck - 01 (1….jpg (255.38 KB,1920x1080)

>Excessive Heat Warning
It's been mostly cloudy today but the heat index is worse than most sunny days. What type of hell is this?


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It's now past midnight and the current heat index is 98 (37 celsius)


It reached 48c in Sicily today!!!
I live in Australia and the most it's ever gotten in my area that I remember is 42c and that was really bad.
Stay cool and keep hydrated Europeans.


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Tomorrow is going to be hot with maximum humidity


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today is going to be COLD and CLOUDY and WINTER IS BETTER


The JAV weather report


focusing on what really matters


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Be careful what you say


sorry mate should've specified i was describing my immediate factual reality
can't read fahrentard anyways


saw the deleted post


Wish greens were as militant as muslims and would take out a few oil execs.


They will eventually, they are starting to get very dogmatic and psuedoscience-y. What makes Muslims such good extremists though is that they think they have a first class ticket to eternal paradise for suicide attacks


Movin' north


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Mostly a chilly summer up here in the north, as usual.


It's a chilly summer down here in the Southern hemisphere as usual as well...


The temperature itself is hotter than it was a couple weeks ago, but there's about 20-30% less humidity so it's actually less painful since sweating actually serves its purpose. I never really paid much attention to humidity until this year since I was only outside when en route to going inside somewhere, but yeah, it's a pretty big deal


its been raining for a week straight...


I wish it would do that here... 40C highs every single day for like the last month...


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temperature was just fine until a couple days ago


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It's been really really hot here, too, but today it wasn't as humid and I was able to mow the lawn. It's pretty amazing when sweating is actually able to fulfill its purpose


I HATE her


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It's not hot here but I need to post this while it's still officially summer.


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why is it 105 F today it is september there should not be a heat warning it should be getting colder


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was cold today, made me miss the heat




now theres a summer show...

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