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/sum/ - Summer

Seasonal board for the Summer Season

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File:93278881_p0.png (383.76 KB,1100x1063)


Why the H*CK is most of September considered summer? I am freezing to death here!


because it's still about 35C where I am at.


File:[Commie] Call of the Night….jpg (368.42 KB,1920x1080)

That sounds nice. This is me if I were to go outside and melt


File:Average Hourly Temperature….png (66.05 KB,753x387)

was hot only a few days ago, but the sun is starting to vanish quickly now.


File:maximum comfy.jpg (61.86 KB,613x512)

I had to put on my thick wool socks and jumper.


I'm burning to death where I live.


I like these 60f days


File:Screenshot_20220917-064648….jpg (156.76 KB,1080x1591)

Because in the subtropics it is. This is in c btw

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