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File:konbini cat.jpg (93.81 KB,756x1008)


Japanese konbini cat


for what purpose?


How does it look so soft and the eyes so shiny? Is it a filter or is that one really healthy cat?


That's just how cats look...


Looks like a kitten to me.


File:wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.jpg (1011.66 KB,1108x1036)

thanks munch munch


NOOOO!!! KORURI YOU CAN'T EAT THE CAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


File:1657788673014.jpeg (91.34 KB,811x1200)


I don't know, the fur looks unusually smooth to me. Look at the hair between the eyes, that looks immaculate

Oh maybe that's it, although I thought kittens were more messy looking?

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