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Boob armor is for aesthetics, getting asshurt over it being historically inaccurate is worthless, it's fiction, if you got a problem you write something up.


her boobes could get chopped off


the video actually addresses how it may be portrayed by others as more dangerous than it actually is, and how in a slightly different history we may have actually seen it come about


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I mostly agree and do enjoy boob armor and even bikini armor, but historicly accurate armor is pretty under represented and nice to see in fantasy.


>but historicly accurate armor is pretty under represented and nice to see in fantasy.
Okay, so why are you trying to force others into doing that? Why can't you let fiction authors want aesthetics?
Women shouldn't be on the battlefield in the first place, so any bullshit about "uwu boob armor bad" is unfounded.
Fucking. The king of England had a goddamn Codpiece on his body armor.


> so why are you trying to force others into doing that?
im not, I'm just saying its underrepresented and I would like more. it sounds like you're getting upset over a small minority of arms and armor nerds who have done no harm


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>I'm just saying its underrepresented and I would like more
Then make it dude? Why kvetch about women in armor when you can, I don't know, write/draw/be creative or something. It's pointless, you're a human being you can make shit, why consume?


Andy, don't sperg out at the guy.


Andy watch the fucking video before making yourself look like a tard. You're basically repeating some of the stuff he said.


It's not sperging out, it's just bullshit that people refuse, point fucking blank refuse to indulge themselves in making what they want.


The video didn't say anything bad about boob plates


Who cares about the video?
Do you care? You got a vested interest in this HEMA-nerd?


I was thinking on plate armor a bit. It's much better at repelling melee attacks than anything we have now, but at the same time it's weak to bullets. What if you were to make bulletproof, shockproof (since we could probably do much better with modern materials than medieval craftsmen), full plate armor? Wouldn't that be extremely effective?


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Plate armor isn't weak to bullets. Plate armor is the concept the tank is built on.
If a bullet hits a hard object at an angle it ricochets or gets absorbed.

The problem is that plate armor is too much for a person to wear and still be mobile.


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this might be what makes the mobile battle suit an interesting concept


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Modern soldiers still wear plate armor. Thing is, it's quite heavy depending on the material used (mostly steel, or ceramic), because they have to be rated to absorb the shock of certain calibers, typically multiple times before failing. So, for pistol calibers up to 9mm, you can mostly get away with just wearing a thin kevlar sheet, but rifle calibers require either a steel or ceramic plate.

The challenge to creating modern armor, however, will always be a simple equation: momentum. Simply put, you need to have enough mass to decelerate a bullet, otherwise that energy is going to travel through the armor and still injure the person wearing it. You can see this pretty clearly when it comes to kevlar body armor; although it's incredibly light, that lightness is a bit of a double-edged sword, because it means the energy of the bullet must be mostly absorbed by the wearer. Depending where the shots land, this could mean severe bruising to broken bones. Admittedly, broken bones and bruising is a hell of a lot better than being dead, so most people are fine with this trade-off. In other words, because we relying on physically decelerating projectiles, armor literally has to be heavy, otherwise it wouldn't work.


looks pretty good to me


i dont know if id describe SAPIs as plate armor. sure we call them plates but when somebody says plate armor i think more of tanks >>256


also SAPIs are different from medieval plate armor in that theyre designed to be hit and shatter as they disperse the impact to lessen the blow and (hopefully) stop the bullet. its a one and done thing, as opposed to the metal plating on a tank which is made thick enough to stop small arms fire entirely


I don't really agree with his claim there. After all, if that was true women would have worn wooden breast codpieces, they didn't. It's still likely they would have worn armour that did have a different style to it, there were women that wore armour maybe one day some of that will turn up in a bog somewhere but not enough of them to make a style I think. There is also practicality to think of, if the cod piece was a detriment to the effectiveness of the armour they would not use it, it's possible it was even useful.

There are plates made of solid steel that do that same thing.


i think boob armor is hot


Boob armor has its place and I think people who shit on it are anti-fun and should be nerds.

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