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Bet they've never heard of investing in bridges, I could teach them a real good way to make money...


But have you heard of Mr. Micheal Wayne?


I don't like this thread.


Picture speaks 1000 words. Funny bots that create unrelated comment chains hoping the video has something vaguely to do with finance.


I had a feeling it was bots...


I love technology, ya know? It's all about me! :3

(I guess this post suits this thread?)


You also gotta love the silly robots.


how it started
how it's going....


Well... how?


File:C-1662471689920.png (47.12 KB,870x568)


OP pic is just a bunch of bots advertising a scammer who will make you deposit money for false returns on an obviously fake trading platform and try to convince you to deposit more and more money, and when you try to take the fake "profits" they promise they'll tell you to pay all sorts of fees (false "tax" fees, etc) over and over to get even more money out of you in your desperation to cash out before people realize it was a scam site and all the money was lost the moment it was sent. Very common scam, Zzz.

That picture is not including the ten years of how it started.
Very misleading. The real how it started is below cents with technology activists without any paid or automated advertising at all. The market itself is no doubt filled with crooks, but it would be dishonest to not include all the previous 85-95% drops that have happened in the past and recovered. Not to say that past perfomance is indicative of future results, but dishonest graphs are not interesting.


bro I just looked at projection models and ur right if we fit a linear regression model to it it just goes up forever


I mean, it shouldn't be too difficult not to give your money to any company except big banks and crypto exchanges, right?


To say that the very first mined bitcoin is "How it started" is to be willfully ignorant of how Bitcoin is in the situation it's in right now. How it started isn't from that initial situation but rather from a few years back when the masses found out about its use as a speculative currency they could get rich off of. Which got its kick off on /biz/ around 2017, and then took its spot in the mainstream around the end of 2020 where it's been until now. One can see that "where it started" for a good deal of people is where it is now, and then for the chasers that saw how well it was doing at the end of 2020, where it started is much higher than how it's currently going, and there's not really any market left for bitcoin to tap into so that it can once again rebound into a success like it did the other two times it shot up in price.


I think everyone already knew it was bots advertising a scam. The joke is that it was on some AoEII video as the 'highlighted comment'


You would think so, but despite all my warnings about how many scams there are and to never trust anyone someone I know fell for this exact scam. Frustrating that I tried to prevent it in advance and still could do nothing. If someone on the internet is pushy enough people will still choose to believe them over the people in their lives...

>To say that the very first mined bitcoin is "How it started" is to be willfully ignorant of how Bitcoin is in the situation it's in right now
How it started is how it started.
How it's going is how it's going.
How it started does not change how it's going.
How it's going does not change how it started.

I don't think that's the joke. It's not highlighted by the video uploader, but by the user who clicked the link. You can try it right now if you want by clicking on the "x days ago" text to highlight a comment or right click copying it to make a shareable link.


posted it because the bots are getting posted in unrelated content and using the names on a medium where it's abnormal to do so


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Also, whenever someone brings up Bitcoin to the moon! I always remember Blackberry stock. A technology which was supposed to revolutionize the mobile flip phone into the next century/


File:blackberry-cute-kawaii-ri….jpeg (107.58 KB,400x533)

Had forgotten blackberries were even a thing. B-buy the dip...


still my fav phone


I still use a flip phone
don't need a computer phone when I leave my room (and computer) for an hour a month



Around 2017 was when /biz/ was fundamentally changed into the crypto board.


I hate those crypto scammers. They've hacked the accounts of many artists.


/biz/ was started to get the all the crypto threads off of /g/.


Well yeah but I meant that before 2017 there was at least some stuff not pertaining to crypto. Now every thread is some new advertisement for the latest alt coin that will surely get you rich.


seems like people dont talk about crypto and NFTs any more


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Wow, Anonymous paid for GPT4.

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