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/sum/ - Summer

Seasonal board for the Summer Season

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File:__yuuta_kanami_scryed__e43….jpg (151.08 KB,800x1191)


3 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


There won't be any tomato symposium at this rate.


File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy M….jpg (531.04 KB,1920x1080)

I'd like to buy one Mewkle Tomato please.


File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (406.52 KB,1920x1080)



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Nope, just autumn. I wish we could go back to those 22+C days.


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Oyashiro-sama apparently lurks kissu and read my wish.

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Japanese konbini cat
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Looks like a kitten to me.


File:wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.jpg (1011.66 KB,1108x1036)

thanks munch munch


NOOOO!!! KORURI YOU CAN'T EAT THE CAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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I don't know, the fur looks unusually smooth to me. Look at the hair between the eyes, that looks immaculate

Oh maybe that's it, although I thought kittens were more messy looking?

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50% off to keep you warm during summer!
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I'll buy one next summer.


I remember a thing on discovery channel or science channel back when it was learning focused and they had a sniper in freezing temperatures in shorts and a heated vest (or something). Since the torso was kept warm the body never sacrificed heat in the extremities so he kept his dexterity and everything. It was pretty cool


Must've still felt pretty frigid regardless I'm sure.


It's probably something to do with being able to keep the torso warm enough so that the blood that the heart pumps through the rest of the body is war and that warms the rest.

The opposite can happen too, in cold winter whether some animals will go into a more lethargic state where the body does not pump blood through the body as much in order to save energy. If something then spooks the animal and it has to run blood circulation speeds up again and the cold blood from the extremities floods the system and can actually kill the animal through shock.


These seem like a gimmick, massive overkill, needing to keep a power supply on you somehow, and I don't trust them not to burn me.

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It's too hot... why can't it be cooler...
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File:b73840fac14a29f4383823f68f….jpg (55.5 KB,864x600)

Ah! It's so freaking hot!! It's been consistently 42C (108F) each day for the last week!!


A way to beat the heat has been found!


Please, do not abuse your local Ice Fairy...


File:83289890_p0.jpg (1.05 MB,4093x2894)

Pretty great animation. I guess if there's one good thing about the planet being converted into a fireball it's the themed art about it


Daiyousei ;_;

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The summer nut!


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the summer gut


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the summer rut

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this was the last thread on the board until i made this post

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how could this happen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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mmmmmmmmmmm cat tea




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mugi tea....

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how poor is miyako?


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Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


she can't even afford a picture >>1800


such a shame that hiro was too fat to do basic arm swings

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Lolicons can rest easy. The internets have become a bit safer now.



But he was released?


But that's not lo...
I guess it's poetic that a vigilante voyeurism host has had repeated legal trobule, huh. I remember that the internet activist group that assisted with it was pretty shady, although I guess was overall a good thing... probably.


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I'd forgotten that this one was from Kanikama. The way he draws has changed quite a lot, hasn't it? Seems shinier, and with thicker lines.
He's also making way, way more ero.


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He's quite the pervert

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It sure is summer.
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File:[SubsPlease] RPG Fudousan ….png (1.77 MB,1920x1080)

I feel required to post the most boober beach episode of the season


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Summer boober


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BAD toes

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hehehehe it's been well over a decade since i last watched that one.


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Drink cum


I can't stop watching it...


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Have you been staying in shape this summer? Remember your body is always working for you even when you don't want to for it! Make sure to drink water and stay away from energy drinks or soda. Take it easy and move slow if need be! Your body will thank you, keep it up long enough and maybe someone special will attract to you...
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She's too weak.


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once or twice a week I run some 5k. I also do strength training. need to work on my core and calves though...


Scared of running


I injured my leg earlier this year. It's nothing severe, but it's limiting. It's been hard to get back into it. Usually I'll just go on a long walk here and there.
Part of me just doesn't care as much. My only drive to exercise is my autistic fantasies of fighting.


running is boring

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 No.982[Reply][Last50 Posts]

I have some nonsense to ramble a bit about but nowhere to say it and nothing developed enough to warrant its own thread.
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He didn't say it needs a discord server, he said it needs a chat built-in (probably on the website itself, sort of like what some forums have).


kissu dicksword...


They will be able to milk this for a while and then there is 40k which they might try making a game about and there is Lord of the Rings as well though they would be held to a higher standard for that.

But I don't think it matters at this point, whether we like it or not, there is no alternative on the market. If they make a TW ME 3 then people will still play it simply because there isn't anything else coming out like that.

But I do wonder how this will play out, because there will be a huge split between what the TW Warhammer fans want and the rest and they are going to have to decide how they will deal with that going forward.


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I really want to go to Hokkaido winter next year but I don't have any travel buddies.


Just go by yourself.... I can't imagine travelling with others and don't think it would improve the experience at all.

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Saturdays are for waffles
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File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (349.02 KB,1920x1080)

I should get a waffle maker thing one of these days, or better yet a crepe maker, but waffles seem like a lot less work and are far more filling


I wish I knew how to manufacture waffles.


File:IMG_20211225_144202.jpg (1.93 MB,2976x3968)

OP recipe
made in a Belgium waffle maker


Wow, thank you very much for posting that!


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It's dangerous to go alone.
Take this.


Thank you summer Japanese bird of protection and summer.


I already have lots of boxes, stupid bird

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