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/sum/ - Summer

Seasonal board for the Summer Season

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Do you ever think about how much CO2 could be building up indoors and how that could be impairing your thinking? Well, if not, maybe you should!


When I saw this video about half a year ago it made me start to open by window at the end of the day when it's not a billion degrees outside, but I really can't do much during the day if I don't want to suffer.
I have some plants in my room so maybe that helps a little bit, but I'd like to have more, just because they're relaxing and not specifically for this (but it'd be a nice bonus).
I wonder if anyone has ever ranked plants on the conversion rate, could be useful.


>I wonder if anyone has ever ranked plants on the conversion rate, could be useful.
NASA did a study on that a couple of years ago. Some of the best scoring ones were pretty common houseplants, if I remember correctly.


pretty sure this video is somewhere on one of the 4 seasons


Support indoor plants


Clearly the CO2 is getting to me, because I'm going to eventually post this video enough times for it to be on every seasonal board.

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Oh no, Haruhi saw her own shadow and got spooked! Eight more weeks of summer!


ice joke


But her eyes aren't even open...


Her eyes are wide shut!
She can see everything and nothing all at once!


sasuga Haruhi

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dasit mane


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animal interactions funny

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This months flower(August)...
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I promise to think of poppies for the next two days!


hehe poopies


knew someone would say this....


Poppies smell really nice when burned like incense
Smell like fresh flower


the poppies are fragrant

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Something everyone should experience is to be in at least a semi-wooded area and to sit outside during a windy rainfall and feel refreshed from the soothing atmosphere. You don't need many trees, just enough for a good amount of rustling sound.
I wonder why it is that things like rain has such healing properties to the mind when it can be quite dangerous to us health-wise if we didn't have shelter.
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Yeah, bugs made nature a lot less magical than it is in the imagination. HATE BUGS


bugs are cool. just like spiders. make nature even more magical. even if some bugs can get annoying.


Bugs can buzz off. I hate them!!!


Love bugs. Romantically.


you... what!?

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AC is an invention created to spread germ particles into the air and reduce the household oxygen percentages.
You will never succeed at life if you don't have your windows open and wearing light clothing
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Where I live, it gets so humid that I actually start to have trouble breathing. I need the AC if I actually want to do anything besides sit around and do nothing.


idk how that is. Native American people live in the rainforest and still manage to hunt+gather


People who live primitively dont know what they're missing out on
and if >>2054 lived in a tribe he would've probably died as a child


imagine showing TV video of summer and beaches to eskimos and causing them to kill themselves


Maybe they are happy where they are.

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If we go to Mars, what people forget is that mars has very little in the way of nutrients in the soil or even nitrogen in the air. Almost every nutrient we need will have to come from earth in some way, even the nutrients that go into the plants that we grow there. What does this mean? It means that everything is going to have to be reused, everything. We can't afford to let bodies be put into the ground and waste 70kg of nutrients that we brought up from earth, humans will have to be eaten or else the colony won't be able to sustain itself. Everything has to be part of a sustainable cycle of nutrition.
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deserts are closer than mars


but maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaars


Screw Mars!! Worst planet!!!


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sure is summer in here
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Who are you quoting?




is this a poorly executed joke or are you being serious


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Take it easy, guys...


He looks like Sun Wukong.

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> Made with rice
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Uh oh...
I eat rice with almost every home-cooked dinner...


What do they think about Canada's enforcement on heavy metals in baby food


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Don't worry I work for the government and can assure it is safe!


That graphic seems to be saying that US rice(and therefore I would assume rice products) are not regulated well enough for consumption by children.

My rice comes from Asia, but rice snacks, perhaps. Still, there's a risk-reward analysis with food production. Certain methods are less than healthy for a person living to the age of 70, but can lower food prices meaning more of the population doesn't go malnourished(a potential case which could make populations less productive or even live less than the age of metal pollution in the body).
I think it's correct though, that the FDA doesn't treat rice with the same standards it does grain. And the FDA acknowledges that there's some problems which need addressing.

Reducing inorganic arsenic exposure by either reducing consumption of rice and rice products or
limiting the level of inorganic arsenic in rice grain and rice products would decrease lifetime
cancer risk, as follows:
• In the general population, limiting levels of inorganic arsenic to 200 ppb or higher would
not change the cancer risk significantly. Setting a limit below 200 ppb of inorganic arsenic
in rice and rice products would decrease the risk. Setting a limit of 150 ppb of inorganic
arsenic in rice and rice products would decrease the risk between 0% and 23%. The risk
reduction is between 2% and 47% at a limit of 100 ppb of inorganic arsenic in rice and rice
products. Finally setting a limit at 75 ppb of inorganic arsenic in rice and rice products
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


It's not really a regulation issue, it's just that arsenic is naturally present in the water/soil in much of the US and rice tends to uptake metals more efficiently than most other common grains. There's no economically feasible way to prevent the metals from getting in the rice.

But yeah, I wouldn't eat southwestern US grown rice every day. The California rice should be fine. And white rice has less metals, although that includes good metals like zinc too.

And like you said, it's all relative risk. There is no known safe consumption rate of arsenic, but we usually consider a 1:100,000 or 1:1,000,000 cancer risk as the
"acceptable" amount, depending on the regulatory agency.

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The ones in Japan seem to sound slightly less annoying, but jesus christ there's at least one outside in a tree that will keep going for like 20 minutes at a time. So. Annoying.
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GOD WHY WON'T THEY SHUT UP!?! The past few years there's been a few Mississippi Kites (large birds) that love to eat these, but they're not here this year and it's like the cicadas are mocking it.REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-EREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


Solid tone cicada?


There was some bug outside my window this morning that was very loud. It sounded like a noisy hard drive. Eventually after an hour of ruined sleep I ran around outside to try and find the annoying little bugger to make them stop. After a dozen or so minutes I swatted at some bush and they finally stopped. Annoying~


i noticed they were very loud this morning too but they are not merely confined to a bush around here. i imagine they're living on almost every tree for miles.


I don't hear them around here as much as I did a few months ago, likely a combination of drought and these guys >>1854
I really can't complain. The Japanese ones seem more melodic than these guys that are closer to just screeching.


Summer EXTREME biking
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hard to tell by camera. Less fast than this. I don't think >50kmph


As far as I'm concerned, all biking is extreme biking.


indoor Xtreme mountain biking!



This is crazy. The speed and reaction times necessary must require insane amounts of training. The amount of adrenaline the guy must be feeling would be incredible; you can hear him almost hyperventilating the whole time. I'd honestly have a heart attack if I was in the same position, assuming I didn't gravely injure myself by running into a tree or something.

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Hello, I just foubd out about this image board. I'd like to know if there are any informations I should know before starting to post (getting to know the culture & other cringe).

Also, do you guys like Vtubers?
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My mum said I can't be friends with people that like V Tubers.


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I too "enjoy" Vtubers.


The Watamelon Express will have to leave without you then...


korone would laugh at this


gonna give the dog a bone

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Does k/sum/ have any insects that don't drive them insane? I really like moths.
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Nicely done.


Spiders aren't insects.


Not him, but everyone knows the colloquial usage of insect essentially means "non-crustacean arthropods". Spiders have already been posted multiple times in this thread.


When you think about it, that makes insectivore an incorrect term.


Oh, I guess that means >>1974 and >>1975 aren't afraid of spiders then.

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Just came back from my summer exploring.

Today I visited my local graveyard. I was pretty surprised to see that it was built more like a tourist attraction with a section of houses that rich people built for their families, some nice ponds, nice gardens for the jewish people and in the back a nicely built section for WW2 veterans with an old 105mm howitzer on display.

Not sure if I'll visit it again any time soon though, maybe in a few decades.
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That's what's nice about the one that I went to, it's pretty close to a park that you can walk around and see interesting gravestones and stuff. It's about the size of a highschool, but it's open for the public.

But it is a richer part of the suburbs so maybe in the deeper parts of cities and stuff it looks rather drab and pointless


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Doesn't feel like wasted space at all when you put some effort into making it seem livable(heh)


>Dang, a graveyard with artillery in it?
likely operated by a skeleton crew


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. . .


i laffed

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Remembered I forgot how to jog
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i can smell the gymnasium feet from here.
i think im gonna be sick


went to bed without showering... feels gross
didn't stretch my calves... calves stiff


hate that feeling can't relax without feeling clean


oh thanks now I can smell them too


Good thing I've never been to the gym so I don't know what that smells like.

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