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/sum/ - Summer

Seasonal board for the Summer Season

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Imagine deep see diving



It's easy if you try

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Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un visits military ration factory where those terrible nutrient bars made from compressed grain, grease and sugar are being manufactured
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That's very good! He must be very pleased to be the exclusive tester of each new batch the supreme leader produces.


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Hmmm Desiccated Sustenance Bars! Water flavor is my favorite!


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yum yum



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Seems like we'll be getting some good resolution Saturn photography soon


File:[Serenae] Tropical-Rouge! ….jpg (172.02 KB,1280x720)

Nice, what's the focus? The planet? The rings? Atmosphere? Etc, etc. Or maybe the moons?
also four same numbers


Looks almost like a 3D model of Saturn, what the heck kind of camera took that?


the photos have strange brightness, then they process them


the Near-InfraRed Camera on the James Webb Space Telescope

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that classic Summer sky


is that the moon


it's the sun


charmingly boson

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Summer is for fun outdoor activities.


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Like staying hydrated with two drinks


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Like going to the beach with your friends!


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Enjoying a day at the beach with my friends Satoko and Satoko 2.


>Satoko 2
You're mistaken. That's clearly Sextoko.

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/biz/ was started to get the all the crypto threads off of /g/.


Well yeah but I meant that before 2017 there was at least some stuff not pertaining to crypto. Now every thread is some new advertisement for the latest alt coin that will surely get you rich.


seems like people dont talk about crypto and NFTs any more


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Wow, Anonymous paid for GPT4.

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Welcome to Summer,
For the rest of us... Welcome to Winter!

Board for the season and events happening within seasons.
Home to the news, girls, and moths

This season, Summer ends on Thursday, September 22


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This board will be closing for the year in a couple days. If you have anything to say, do it soon!


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The leaves fall, the wind blows, and the farm country slowly changes from the summer cottons into its winter woods

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The season of orange juice has come to an end


100% true


Any Need For Speed otaku?
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I loved nfs underground I and II. Although the first was better, because the second forced the players to make their cars ugly.


I think realism in games is a good thing. Not that unrealistic games cannot be good as well, it depends on the kind of game.

I played NFS when I was a kid and it's okay but I liked Forza more, but then racing games are not very interesting for me and I don't play them now, I think they are simple and Forza can't really change much since the one I played on Xbox 360. Driving is still just driving. In this case you might need to add unrealistic elements to a game to change it form what is actually something very simple.


Yes, in fact I am such an NfS otaku that I'm in the process of making my own mod for Most Wanted (2005) for PC at the moment.


A car or something else?


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Ah it's going to be a total overhaul of the difficulty, cops, events and retooling all vehicles so they feel less samey. It has been smooth sailing but changing the vehicle handling is quite hard because I don't want to go full sim like other mods.

Changing heat values has been really something... before I toned down from my first test build it took me around 1hr 48mins to lose the cops on the third highest difficulty. I think that might be overkill.

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dat end of summer blues


...when you realize this is not even the halfway point to how cold and dark it's going to get


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It's almost the best time of the year- the time when it's the furthest away from being summer again! (heat will still be here for a few more weeks personally)

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come on in the water's fine


but it's almost autumn...

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Happy Sumall!
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A country in Africa!


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Where's that?


the milky way you dumbhead


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The mewkle way??!


nuts i fell for it

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This month's flower:
Aster (and Morning-Glory)!


a very descriptive name


Morning Glory is one of the best flower names, but I really have no idea what it means. Snapdragon is another cool one.

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Why the H*CK is most of September considered summer? I am freezing to death here!
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was hot only a few days ago, but the sun is starting to vanish quickly now.


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I had to put on my thick wool socks and jumper.


I'm burning to death where I live.


I like these 60f days


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Because in the subtropics it is. This is in c btw

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