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Kissu how do I stop being racist. I genuinely have a searing hatred for blacks, middle easterners, indians, and some asians. I have a bit of quandary, though: I'm not at all racist towards people. In social interactions my brain shifts to autopilot and I just say or do whatever without any bias or malintent, but when I'm on my own, left to my own thoughts I can't stop myself from thinking about how much I hate other races, and especially how much I hate interracial couples, and depictions thereof.

This might seem like a shitpost, but I genuinely don't want to be this way and yet I am. What the heck do I do???


Have you tried not caring about trivial matters such as race?


it's probably too late

your best bet is to watch gore videos starring white people so that you can hate everyone equally. once you're genuinely misanthropist it wraps back to not being racist


If your malicious thoughts don’t manifest into meaningful action I wouldn’t even worry about. Dream of all the genocide and racially motivated pogroms you want thought crime by itself isn’t real crime. Of course if you genuinely have an uncomfortable racial hatred that consumes your every waking thought you might need a doctor and some meds as it could be some other issue that is simply using racial hatred as an outlet.

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