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/spg/ - Spring

Seasonal board for the Spring Season

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File:1602702371260.jpg (62.17 KB,578x640)


what anime did you watch today


File:[SubsPlease] Odd Taxi - 04….jpg (163.96 KB,1280x720)

Only the best seasonal.


File:85338327_p0.png (3.92 MB,1375x2047)

Didn't watch anything today


you have disappointed the anime


I ought to catch up on 86.


I watched Mewkledreamy, Corrector Yui, Odd Taxi, Higehiro, and Fumetsu.


i watched tokyo revengers, it's pretty naisu


watchin the bookworm anime


FLCL Alternative


non non biyori
kiss on my deity
sakura trick

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