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/spg/ - Spring

Seasonal board for the Spring Season

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File:20210513_055002 (1).jpg (1.05 MB,2667x2000)


spring outfit for my doll


File:20210513_092310.jpg (4 MB,4608x3456)

the dollmaker...


Did you make it? If so, nicely done. Wish I had a doll too...


Is she going to share that?


is the beer to scale?


What a refreshing 'do for spring season


sadly I did not make any of it. doll scale stuff is not a part of modeling I've attempted to get into....yet.
well its 1/6 scale and my doll is 1/6 size but shes a smaller girl.
this is a byob party, sorry dude. one measly six pack is just enough for one person!


File:20210526_055610.jpg (346.61 KB,1200x1600)

new ride!



You drive?


she needs a helmet!
getting hit by a bug or a falling acorn at speed isn't fun.

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