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File:縦長動画.mp4 (128.62 KB,320x394)




can't believe there are no browsers to download video streams



try right click downloading a video stream right now. Save a youtube video with just right click. You can't do it!


File:1502951002383.jpg (60.17 KB,512x512)

Sexualizing the friends...


oh... i can see why this might have been confusing. This mp4 was taken from twitter and unlike many other sites twitter streams their video clips like YouTube so that people can't download them or maybe reduce the bandwidth required to serve them.

Either way it requires the browser inspector to get the stream link + an FFMPEG rule or some VLC hackery


just use youtube-dl dude


you can do it with a few command line arguments though


and youtube dl isn't going to work on twitter videos


File:2021-05-09 19-59-36_1.webm (4.98 MB,958x536)

you sure about that

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