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/spg/ - Spring

Seasonal board for the Spring Season

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File:Untitled-1.png (172.86 KB,1000x1000)


It was a nice rainy, relaxing day. This time of day it would normally be dark, but for whatever reason it's brighter than it should be and it's really pretty to look up from my window and only see tree tops instead of ugly houses
also photoshop has a brush that works remarkably well as leaf silhouettes


If that's photoshop then it's pretty impressive that I can't tell whether this was a brush drawing or the real thing.


sure you can, the patterns are easy to spot


Is it raining pixels?


File:01456-1girl,_solo,_forest,….png (1.33 MB,864x1152)

For some reason this spring hasn't had much rain, which is a bad sign, but today there's a nice steady stream of rain clouds. The sounds of rain hitting the ground is just so relaxing.
Still, nothing compares to being in a windy rain in a forest and also hearing the tree's leaves move around. I've only experienced it once, but I was never more at peace then at that time.
Youtube is full of "10 hours of rain" stuff, but I don't think any of it would compare to the real thing. Some video games manage to make rain very atmospheric, though, especially if they have music tracks that only play during rain, or sometimes they remove the music so you hear nothing but the rain and it has a strong effect, too.


you ever swam around in the sea while it rains? it's really nice


I was told NEVER to do that as an undertow could occur


I like this one

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