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File:Biggi_tarantula-frog.jpg (761.88 KB,2400x1594)


There are examples of symbiosis out there that are pretty trippy.

Like these spiders who keep itty bitty frogs around to safeguards their eggs from smaller insects.
Then there's ants planting fungi in their colonies, feeding them and later reaping the crops. They also feed off the secretions of other insects, so they protect them and sometimes even massage them to get more secretions. Certain species of ant have workers specialized in doing this alone, corralling them and all.
Really, ants are amazing. Some of them raid rival colonies and enslave workers.


File:ant.jpg (59.54 KB,1066x600)

Ants are even better at forming civilizations than humans are. Did you know that there's a global society of argentine ants?


Muthafuggas even got graveyards n shit.

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