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/spg/ - Spring

Seasonal board for the Spring Season

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File:e300cff27a26486ec8a5c422d5….png (2.41 MB,1300x1839)


Welcome to Spring,

The season of rebirth and virility.
As the layers of ice melt it reveals a time forgotten.
Migratory flocks embrace their old homes.

This season spring ends on Sunday, June 20.


but im in the southern hemisphere


File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (282.54 KB,1920x1080)

Southern what?


I'm in the Southern Hemisphere as well.


do we need to open up parallel boards?


/spgaut/ and /sumwin/
really good names


Why aren't they called /haru/, /aki/, /fuyu/, /natsu/?


Because we're not at that level.


Or create a board that is the same as this board but just has a different name, so every post on one will be on the other as well.


i dunno it'd be more practical but not as flavorful


How about a /se/ board?


Could name it /ki/季


The only things that come to mind are equinox and solstice since they're purely position around the sun and not anything to do with the earth's tilt


April, May, June too far




I forget, does summer start the 21st or 20th


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