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File:1578878880271.jpg (166.35 KB,640x480)


How warm does it have to get before swimming becomes viable?


That's an indoor pool. You can use those all year round.
Except this one was closed a few years ago, IIRC. So you can't use it at all anymore.


Imagine you're on your driveway shoveling snow after a blizzard. You look up a see a neighbor walking out to his car in a speedo. You ask him, "isn't it a bit cold for that?" He responds, "no, it's okay, it's an indoor pool."

This has never and will never happen because the idea of swimming when it's cold outside is ludicrous regardless of where the pool is located.


factually untrue
when I was younger I went to a sports club where they had a bigass olympic pool and during the winter they'd set up a roof and walls from tarp hung from the skeleton railings as well as heating and the swimming classes would continue without any changes
it was hotter then than during summer


File:41805513_4hLPzni08Ri0nJtqO….jpg (120.69 KB,776x582)



community centers have pools going year round


I'm pretty sure he was joking, what with the implication being that he doesn't know that in-house locker rooms exist.


I know I wanted to post about it anyways because it's also relevant to OP's question


>Except this one was closed a few years ago
Pool's closed?... due to AIDS?...

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