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/spg/ - Spring

Seasonal board for the Spring Season

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File:img-4CJvPZEgGvFoTeOwbheH9.jpeg (578.58 KB,1024x1024)


Or is it still spring? I my area summer comes first day of june. So its summer.


Spring ends when the last spring anime finishes airing.
Summer begins when the first summer anime begins airing.


File:img-dRnBoCgyHretSaScGUJAR.jpeg (525.39 KB,1024x1024)



What about Dragonabll? Is it spring orfall?


Temperature-wise it's summer here. I think if people were to do a localized climate thing here summer would start in June and end in uhh... September probably.


Temperature is an unreliable metric.


File:temperature.PNG (43.92 KB,779x484)

If we're going on temperature, then it's been winter here for a while now. Bloody cold May this year.


File:img-oKxFfxRXtj4UT421qCLIC.jpeg (531.39 KB,1024x1024)

Seasons are not about weather conditions. It's about common sense. You took a year. You slice it like a pie. Now its not a circle but piece of food for ya. Time is dead and vertigo is over. And summer starts 1st of june.

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