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File:20240601_101220.mp4 (35.18 MB,1920x1080)


Death to wasps


Bugger got away...


File:img-VsnT3NnUqJHcAZIZaOLqY.jpeg (525.1 KB,1024x1024)

Now that's what i call infestation


Don't worry gals, I know what to do!


is that a hornet and a spider ganging up on some other insect?


File:1693425441326.jpg (43.02 KB,640x480)



wasp caught in a web


when i was living abroad i remember crawling into bed after a night shift, it was 8 am and i had been up for over 30 hours. all of a sudden my right big toe stings but i figured it was a random occurence. it didn't get better and the pain continued, so i lifted my blankets up to see what's happening.
there was a huge fucking wasp in my bed under my blankets, i had no idea how it got in or got there. not gonna lie, it was a bit of a shit day.


I fear this so I always have a mosquito net deployed over my futon so nothing but myself can get in.


some might find something like that overprotective, but it actually makes perfect sense

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