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File:e0b833c0-60b5-42f3-8e41-3….webp (78.84 KB,2000x2000)



lmaooooooooooooo the photoshop


I'm not going to comment on the shooped clutter that doesn't seem to have anything to do with its intended purpose.

What features in particular were designed or added with "gamers" in mind?
And why would I want my tower to be on wheels?


I think you sometimes see desks like this in lan party setups. Which might explain some of the stranger decisions.


Why the fuck would you want this kind of setup for a LAN party? Those are usually pressed for space. You certainly don't want to share an L shape desk with another player because it means that either you're both on the outside, which means you are taking up WAY too much space. You don't want one player on the outside, the other on the inside, because it would mean that the one on the former can see the latter's screen. And finally, you don't want both players on the inside unless one of them is a cute girl sitting on the lap of the other, and even that is probably not a good idea.


> unless one of them is a cute girl sitting on the lap of the other
Obviously not designed with gamers in mind


id love to have my tower on wheels so I can get to the back ports more easily


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I might buy this for 500cad


I'm still using an L-shaped desk I bought a decade ago. It's worthwhile to splurge on a higher quality one so it will last a long time. These take up a lot of room, but it's good if you have non-computer stuff you could put on it, like in my case it's a pillow for the cat.


The larger the desk, the more stuff accumulates on it.
A desk should be the size that facilitates the work you want to do. No more, no less.


as a developer, you need space for lots of devices. I have a phone tripod I use for some photograph, So I can place that on the edges, but things like Macs and Windows laptops and multiple desktops are useful. In the least you need multiple monitors to place in locations


I want a low table but I can only find them sold by carpenters on etsy while I'd like something more affordable and coffee tables are too high and not desk sized.


I just have the accumulation on the floor.


def. this




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I use a small dining table with no room for a second monitor.


Bought it for 380$+60$ of taxes. Doesn't come with the filing cabinet but I'm going to take it from my Ikea desk and might get it as a gift.

Arrives for on the 17th for in store pickup


Online had a 100$ discount, but the filing cabinet was 200$ so if you wanted the cabinet it would be better to buy in store. Otherwise online order is better value


I may have bought something kind of insane to assemble...


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This is the desk I got, and for chinese made furniture it's pretty damn sturdy and doesn't wiggle. Got it for a hundred bucks and fits where I need it and does what I want. I would've liked to get a larger desk, but with the arrangement of my room I have no real place for it besides the gap between the door frame and the wall, which is about 59 inches. The silly little under shelf is pretty damn useless though, and I'm DIYing a desktop shelf for storing fumos. The issue I have is more with how my monitor eats up most of the space, it's an MSI curved monitor which has this obnoxiously large Y shape leg stand, and most of these computer desks are really skinny and has less than 2 feet width. At least the monitor has VEGA mount support which would be a project for another day.


It's good that it's relatively sturdy, but I put a lot of weight onto my table. Particle board is also quite rough and requires a mat for writting



It seems a gaming desk is actually a pretty standard design



That looks like a pretty decent battlestation. Though the monitor shelf might get a little crowded if you have larger monitors.


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Heavy as hell and large


hehehehhhe what's up with those floor tiles


Oh god...

Cat likes them and brother left them when I took over his appartment lease


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Ah yeah, the keyboard drawers and stuff takes a lot of screws. Building stuff is fun, though.


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It's just tedious to me. Laying out parts. Verifying and stuff


Bleh. I think the manufacturer forgot to include part of the drawers


Never mind they hit them in something now I just have to find two small one pieces to glue


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Part one...


TAIL !!!!!!!




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I had a really great one but it didn't go through


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Gotta stuff windows 11 onto that small monitor. My laptop now on a full monitor. Nice cable management on this desk.


While cleaning up, you accidentally threw out the cat as well.


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