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video essays have gone too far


Zoomzoom Don quixote would enter uni thinking he knows everything about books, movies and philosophy from watching video essays


watched a series of philosophy lecture recordings it was top tier entertainment


I am zoomzoom Don Quixote but I already went to university. There are some really good youtube channels with university lecture level quality, that aren't just recordings of university lectures. The first one that comes to mind is: https://www.youtube.com/@PhysicsExplainedVideos This channel's content is really on par with the undergrad courses I took. Only thing missing is the homework.


im donkey


went through the sapolsky lectures a few years ago taking notes and all that and it was pretty cool how he makes it all circle back around


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WHO is the audience for these rococo monstrosities of a review


Somehow I doubt that, the World Health Organisation does not seem like it would be very interested in such topics.


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im donpen


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I don't get how they even considered replacing such an iconic mascot with... that.


update: i watched the first hour and a half (at x2 of course) of the nicktoons vid and it was really, really bad, basically designed to waste your time
with that runtime you'd expect him to talk about all the DEEP LORE the game has but he actually spends comparatively little time on it, at first talking a bit about crossovers before it, the story of each of the four main IPs, and then it's mostly about his playthrough that's far more focused on level design and for some reason the abilities you pick up along the way, interspersed with recordings of him and some other guy playing through it in that somewhat awkward style of a regular non-streamer person
his explanations are anything but concise and constantly meander around for reasons i assume on purpose, there's a lot of unnecessary fluff to it
like when he's going over the background of each show and says that clearly everyone knows what spongebob is about so he doesn't need to explain it there's no way you don't know about spongebob and then he explains it anyways, and i don't need an explanation of danny phantom's plot and how actually their parents are to blame for the ghost situation either
at one point he spends several minutes talking about how he brought this completely irrelevant box into a place it wasn't intended to after resetting the level multiple times in order to push it further and further foward, like he's injecting a mini-challenge run for a single level into a video that didn't present itself as talking about just the lore in the first place

after an hour and a half of watchtime all i've learned is that nickelodeon liked to make crossovers and among them were some bad shovelware platformers, that's it
easily 2/10 one of the worst sinkholes i've ever seen not even interesting in a bad way might as well watch a stream


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This legit brought back bad memories lol. I had a prof who couldn't teach properly at all and I had to go find lecture videos online. Dropped it and NEEThood lies ahead seeing as I can't pay for anything now.
People coping with adulthood who grew up with those shows? I'm sure people just put it on in the background to ease anxiety or something, it kind of has to be the case right? Sloptube really is a tabloid site now.
The format is podcast but somehow oversaturated and worse. I seriously think all these things are meant to just rot brains and take away thinking/consuming anything meaningful outside of working and social media interactions. It's a horrible lifestyle, and I hope whoever is stuck in this kind of rut like I was can find their way out somehow.


Podcasts can be organized and informative. I doubt you can blame them.

Sometimes, people are not so much talking to exchange information as to feel connected, and somehow, in a tragic way, this phenomenon got imported to the internet. People try to touch base with others in the digital world. But no matter how much people socialize on facebook, their need for human contact will never be satisfied - which is why early (non-political) facebook was already so addictive.
Many youtubers are the same thing, fundamentally, a seeming quenching of the said basic need, but ultimately not satisfactory.
And this goes for both sides of the youtuber scene. Both the creators as well as the audience are convinced that they have something that they are still desperately in want of.

So when you ask "why did you make a seven hours video to meander around a message that could have been conveyed in thirty minutes?"
The correct answer is: "I was lonely".
Same reason as why anyone would watch it.


This is true but we also have to consider how youtube monetization has changed over the years. Creators put a lot of ads in between those videos and receive revenue according to the time viewers spend watching their channel. It's not just about views anymore.
That's why you get a lot of video essays with unnecessary fluff on purpose like anon said. If you see a video on your recommended that barely gets past the 8,10 15, minute mark (i don't remember exactly how it works but they let you add more mid roll ads past a certain length) they are highly likely going to be trashy or slop. It's more like a side job for a lot of people at this point instead of a place to broadcast yourself for fun but we all know that.
>coping with adulhood
I assume they are teens if they have time to watch all of it, more specifically, teenage girls who grew up with those shows. Maybe it depends on the series but that image is targeting gen Z and gen A(reruns). I consider them the equivalent of long vidya video essays but for women.


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i think it stems from how as shorter internet content managed to take away time from channel surfing youtube videos were able to give themselves the space to gradually become something much bigger like jokingly shown here (don't focus on it it's just the best example i have)
it evolved from the classic review that was like somewhere between five and fifteen minutes long by starting to try to make a more detailed, thorough point then through ADAPTIVE RADIATION and FISHERIAN RUNAWAYS grew bigger and costlier treating length itself as a sign of quality, breadth n depth so nowadays it's like the only (good) reviews you'll consistently find under ten minutes are yahtzee's because everything needs to include the history of whatever the author feels is somehow relevant AND HERE'S A 15s PARODY OF IT BY A MASTER OF THE MEDIUM from two dang years ago

but still, it doesn't seem like that's exactly what's going on with quinton, and there's no way a video made in four months that is seven hours long could achieve the above compared to an hour and a half video made over the course of six months, it simply cannot have the same level of writing and whatnot in any aspect
for further examples, after finishing his game tierlist at about the six hour mark (took him like 25m) he starts making a box tierlist of identical duration which ends on a joke rant about how da globalists (jews) are hiding the cubic earth, he subsequently makes fun of the segment while apologizing for putting you through it though still not deleting it as it's overlaid in this frame-within-a-frame-within-a-frame pinboard that plays all the previous nested talks he's made standing beside it and it is UNBELIEVABLY BORING
what you can also do is look at his comments and see that there isn't much going on there despite how many things they would in theory be able to respond to but there's one that caught my eye:
>“We’re like when the Nostalgia Critic and the Angry Videogame Nerd met, but for depressed people” is such a painfully accurate take by Billiam
perhaps the most interesting part comes at the final ten minutes where he talks about the rising expectation of getting longer and longer, but turns it around by saying that he enjoys making the video itself and that he's gonna "retire from the long video cold war" not because he dislikes it but because of exaggerated vitriol he's receiving so he certainly is aware of the situation
i would argue community isn't the point of quinton's videos or other huge essays, that for anyone with an audience like him and anyone with tens of thousands of subs or more it's easier to interact with people through social media, discord, the community tab, streams, and shorter vids actually, and that posting four videos a year isn't the way to go about it


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I was happily reading your post until I suddenly realized that you watched the whole fucking video.


absolutely did not, i spammed the shit out of that right arrow

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