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File:IMG_20200118_210901_693.jpg (2.71 MB,4160x3120)


So, speculating about sci-fi and stuff, maybe not quite fit here but.
Imagine u suspect a natural predator or something super dangerous for you highly possible, how should i put it, following you, highly possible spying on you, what you gonna do? And you afraid to cause panic. And you possibly not quite sure.


>what you gonna do?
There is nothing you can do.
Just give up.


it might be a cute girl you never know


Wait, what if it's a cute cat? No wait, you said predator, so it could be a large cat! A large cute cat???


aha cute yet suspicious? tryina to picture it myself, instant fail in my case
all cats are cute, big one cute big way! mmmrwwr!


File:ec276ecdabb116f9da39833f98….gif (323.44 KB,352x240)

This looks like a bot/chatgpt thread.

Are you humam or not, OP?


Skitty is great!



File:photo-anime-1708207658710.jpg (136.78 KB,968x484)

what it got to do with chii's pantsu
me not bot and what bots did to ya? Both u and

machines gather info from outer world using same physics laws for it so u r no different

mind biological life as antithesis for non biological materia so there gonna be a synthesis combining both
or even more
bio is temporal period a method for non biological matheria to became more organised more sane overtime


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