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File:20240417_112019.jpg (4.52 MB,4032x3024)


Got to see an American legend today. They gave me a tiny whistle that's shaped like it too


Given the name, this Oscar guy should be selling cheese, not sausages.


File:[Serenae] Wonderful Precur….jpg (206.51 KB,1920x1080)

Amazing! I want to see it someday, but my expectations are tempered. Ah, to see the wienermobile in person....


File:20240417_121150.jpg (7.93 MB,4032x3024)

There were a bunch of those little tables with samples out, and one of them was actually based around cheese, but I didn't get any.


File:1706329395395155.jpg (319.01 KB,1254x1770)

I see those quite a bit where i live.


What's it like living in Weinertopia?


the ween


looks like a sex toy heh


Its super duper awesome

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