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/spg/ - Spring

Seasonal board for the Spring Season

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i dislike spring because it is muddy and wet and gross and now there are lots more bugs around but at least there are some anime to look forward to


It's the season of new beginnings. You should stop being a hater this year.


swimming season


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I can't swim.


ok i will try



I like spring here and there, the only bad part of it is pollen.


plant sperm


dont mind if i do


I like the rain, but I wish it was cooler and less humid. Tomorrow it's supposed to be 87F (~31C) and 90% humidity.


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ever since this ACCURSED FUCKING season began, from the moment the cock clock hit april 1st, my nose has been giving me so much god damn shit. One sneeze leading to a dozen and the apocalyptic splooge of flying saliva and snot everywhere. i don't know what's even causing this, i go into a sneezefit more often in areas where there's no trees or bushes or anything so I don't think its a randomly developed pollen allergy. The only saving grace is that this is the season where japanese sencha teas are getting picked and produced. webm unrelated.

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