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File:fire.jpg (4.63 MB,4128x3096)


Dumbest member of the family decided to do spring cleaning today and burn some brush. We had 25mph wind. He walked away. Tree caught on fire and almost burned down our best barn.

He's claiming he set the tree on fire on purpose.


File:1508509771285.gif (2.82 MB,540x454)

Even on low wind days with gusts I wouldn't want to be lighting fires. What would possess someone to try and burn away brush in 25mph winds? I'm pretty sure these past few days have been some of the windiest this year too and winds are set to calm down in a day or so as well...


File:[Serenae] Wonderful Precur….jpg (152.39 KB,1920x1080)

Poor tree...
This is how massive wildfires start. Only experts should do this stuff and even they end up losing control sometimes.


Fire is badass and trees never did anything for anybody. I say light 'em up.


File:miko.jpg (35.02 KB,517x641)

People need to stop doing this. It does not look good. Anime isn't videogames. Good thing you didn't post it in the OP thread.


File:d249738e-7635-4c5e-919b-0f….png (295.09 KB,566x434)

anon lost barn


File:R-1712224920092.png (27.48 KB,1097x195)

That tree looks way too close to your barn, anyway. Of course, it's just a barn. But if you don't want it to burn, some safety distance is called for.
People are idiots.


File:yuru camp outdoor hints.jpg (510.9 KB,1295x1972)

Reminds me of this.

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