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File:meh.jpg (394.19 KB,1920x1080)


My guilty pleasure is watching First Amendment auditors. Which are basically paid trolls. I feel guilty about it but I can't stop


File:[SubsPlease] Majo to Yajuu….jpg (223.75 KB,1920x1080)



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Could you post an example?


Just for shitposting purposes, I just asked chatGPT about the conflict between the first amendment and the first commandment. It was so focused on trying to avoid tackling any inflammatory topics that it completely failed to explain that one is a personal belief while the other one permits you to hold that personal belief and that there is no conflict.


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My guilty pleasure is having lewd thoughts about Neroalice


Sure. Most of these channels are the same so I'll post this random one.

What they do is show up somewhere with cameras and claim to be free press. Then they hang around town all day filming businesses (usually banks, pot dispensaries, public buildings, police stations, city halls) until an employee comes out to confront them. Then they act like a jack ass and refuse to answer questions or give their names. Which always leads to a 911 call and the police showing up. Then they troll the police and try to bait them into arresting them so they can file lawsuits and complaints.

I'm also a big fan of watching Sovereign Citizen channels. Some have good understanding of the law and others are stupid and just read off a script. Either way it's entertaining.

These people are basically getting paid through donations to troll the public and make asses of themselves.


One can hate or like something, but no one emphasizes with the journalist here


i can see why'd you feel guilty about enjoying this


Personally I'm more of a fan of people shoplifting from Wal-mart and the cops coming in.


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It's a 2D OP image but talking about real life/youtubers so I'm going to be moving this thread to /spg/.


Yea I posted it in the wrong place because I was sleepy

It's horrible disease

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