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pyon pyon spider
chilling on a leaf
flossing its fangs
waving at you


When things have limbs so long and thin it's really a wonder to me when they all seem there. Crickets can't seem to keep all their legs very often


look at'm go


File:C-1684339904504.png (591.8 KB,670x510)

gummy gummy short-legged harvestman
and a bunch of other buggers
apparently the flossing is called "leg threading" and is actually for cleaning their legs, not their fangs
anyways, they're arachnids but not spiders
not to be confused with Pholcidae


File:01fossilized_penis.jpg (57.52 KB,636x545)

heheheh arachnoween


File:video0(11).mp4 (1.35 MB,352x640)


Very nice.


the cock that became rock


I'm a huge insectophobe but daddy longlegs never really bothered me for some reason. I used to get them a lot at my old home and I used to think they were kinda cute in a way. They don't seem to like going indoors, so they don't get in your way, and just sort of slowly stride along minding their own business most of the time unless they're panicked, instead of the spazzy sprints other spiders seem to randomly do. They also eat other spiders and stuff that can actually hurt you.

I've never seen them herd together like this though, they look like giant balls of wool.

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