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Apparently the Writers Guild of America is getting pissy about things and are threatening a strike if their demands aren't met. One of the things that'd immediately happen if this were to occur would be that late night hosts would pretty much immediately have no material and be off the air, so sucks for the people that actually still have cable I guess? Aside from that it could potentially impact movies and TV for Hollywood and elsewhere across the country. What gets me curious is what does the WGA even do? Could they not be replaced by independent writers or AI or something? If these are the people responsible for churning out scripts for modern western flicks/cable tv then I have to wonder if it wouldn't be better if they do strike and take themselves out of the idea pool for media. Probably would be better if that were the case.

Also are guilds for writers like this a thing more exclusive to America because of how massive the entertainment industry here is, or are they a commonality to be found in other countries too including Japan?


>Regulate use of material produced using artificial intelligence or similar technologies.
Oh, apparently they do recognize the threat AI poses to them...


Thought there was something like this a while ago when Colbert was a thing and it didn't matter too much because he wrote a lot of his own material anyways.


I think they would try and use AI to basically replicate union busting temp workers. But who knows if it would work or not.


Americans can't write anyway, so they should just outsource and make better media.


A big problem with using AI would be that they'd be unable to copyright their scripts. So maybe late night hosts would be fine, but TV/Film would be susceptible to having their scripts "stolen" from underneath them and reproduced elsewhere.



It seems most countries have them, they are just fancy names for trade unions really.

Interestingly the president of the Writers Guild of Great Britain is Sandi Toksvig, the new host of QI.


Yeah, I might have mentioned it somewhere here before but Conan, Stewart and Colbert had a mock rivalry thing going on during the strike that had them guest starring in each other's shows with a plotline and everything that was really funny. One of them would be hosting their show and then another would show up menacingly and it was just hilarious to see such a stupid "plotline" between TV hosts.
The 00's were really the swan song of late night TV. None of these guys are funny any more sadly. I think they definitely did need writers, or they're just too cynical these days (or neutered for primetime TV)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6oTTEtL3yxM (has some different parts from attached video)


It's weird your first thought is late night TV.


That's what I saw while reading about it, not really the first thing I thought up naturally.


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>It seems most countries have them, they are just fancy names for trade unions really.

what would happen if the writer's guild of japan went on strike?


I'm not sure, do Unions strike that much in Japan?

Of course it would effect Japanese TV and movies but regarding our interests it probably would not effect much, Because anime is mostly based on something already written and follows it reasonably closely.

I am not sure if game writers are part of these unions or not either, if not they should be considering all the stories coming out from western developers(it's hard to believe that it would not effect Japanese companies too, though maybe they just manage things better).


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(I'm not OP)
I don't know how it is today, but late night TV was a pretty important environment for writers, similar to SNL. You read the news of the day and you've got a team to assemble relevant jokes in a matter of hours. You also write skits to perform later on in the week or month, but you also need topical stuff to write about that just happened. If you can involve the guests on the show that day, it's even better. It also somewhat functioned as a source of news, even if it was in joke format. "Did you hear? Blahblah happened at blahblah. [joke here]". I think the job became a bit easier once they started looking to the internet for "inspiration".
I really respected those writers back then, it's a rather thankless position because the "content" is gone the next week whereas people still watch fictional TV shows 50 years after release. I got angry at the various hosts when they'd abruptly switch networks or formats and left their writers behind, since they were a very important part of what made them popular in the first place.
This might be a kissu demographic thing, since I'm really not familiar with any current shows that are popular for their writing. The biggest stuff seems to be adaptations from books and the like, or the 50 CSI shows that my mom watches that don't seem particularly creative.


AAA games have such long dev times that a strike isn't going to mean anything for them. They'll just keep modeling more cosmetics to sell until they get back.

I don't know if it technically counts as being a writer, but there's definitely a lot more writing work than you think going into adapting a story to another medium.


Kinda wonder how much the WGA's demands are actually representative of what the writers en masse want, or if it's union leaders swinging around their giant schlong for benefits to themselves that they can demand because people are forced to abide by their strike rules.


No pancakes for abby due to budget cuts


>I Am America (And So Can You!)
funny stuff



can i post hasan


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If you must, you know where to post it...


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It would be far better to share your own opinion or reaction to the news


Getting rid of late night shows was the best thing that happened this year. Maybe they can just start reacting to stuff like youtubers, some will have to grow a beard though


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I was just thinking about the impacts of this, and realized this means that Youtube has a lot less norm stuff to go around promoting now.


Consumers love to blame writers when the blame lies on executives holding writers back all the time.


To a degree. But this transcends mediums and is a feature of pretty much everything that Americans write even media with no executives or higher ups like ero games.


Snow Daze was a well written american ero game


okie dokie dude


Meh, it's different. With higher ups its people acting unrealistic and out of place political dialogue
Without higher ups its just memes and references but often competent otherwise


Because in the west the writers are active on social media and fight with people who didnt like it



reading up on this more, the writer's guild may be as retarded as i initially thought


it's a union, they're as dumb as ceo


>For pre-greenlight rooms, it proposed “minimum staff of six writers, including four Writer-Producers.” For post-greenlight rooms, it proposed “one writer per episode up to six episodes, then one additional writer required for each two episodes after six, up to a maximum of 12 writers. Example: eight episodes requires seven writers including four Writer-Producers; 10 episodes requires eight writers including five Writer-Producers.”

>A writer/producer is responsible for developing, writing, and producing scripts of new stories for television programs or episodes. ...You are expected to research topics to deliver stories that are entertaining and engaging. You will be responsible for sourcing audio and video footage for editors and spearheading and collaborating for both pre-production and post-production with the editors. As a writer, you are also expected to edit, submit and dub material for program inclusion, coordinating the day-to-day activities of a support production staff to ensure quality, style, and content. Depending on where you are working, you may be required to operate video editing equipment, report and narrate stories, and assist show producers in organizing and planning the show. You may also be required to prepare fundraising campaigns.
>The three most common skills for writer/producers are instagram, facebook, and twitter.

Man, Writer-Producer sounds like an awful job, or many jobs. Lots of different responsibilities that would have you running around online and offline and you might not know what you're going to be doing at a new job.

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