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File:StormRoses.jpg (886.1 KB,1500x1998)


Big storm came through and kind of wrecked my roses. Had to chop off some of the longer stems to get it to prop back up. Still got a lot of buds at least.


bet a kitty would love to play in that yard


File:honeysuckle-vine-growing-o….jpg (191.85 KB,650x790)

>Had to chop off some of the longer stems to get it to prop back up
A couple months ago I had enough of our honeysuckle vine being an unmanageable mess and gave it a severe trim. I removed like 90% of the branches, and after I did so I discovered that I completely forgot it had a trellis, but it outgrew it and put so much weight on it that it bent under its weight. I removed like 80% of the total mass of the plant and I was worried I killed it, but then I was reminded how foolish I was when Spring came and it proved its reputation as invasive plant that you need to keep isolated because it already grew like 8 new tiny branches in a few weeks.
I kind of wonder why there aren't honeysuckle farms where people use them for tinder or something because it's absurd how fast they grow


yeah it's amazing how fast some plants grow.

I've got some holly bushes that seem to be pretty much indestructible, I cut them way back every year and yet they keep growing out to being a problem.


used to greatly enjoy tasting the nectar of those things as a kid

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