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File:ZZY 0494.png (2.04 MB,1447x2047)


They are going to try to launch Starship again today in about 3 hours.


I SAW it.


The link died for some reason, I'll wait until it gets closer to the launch time and post whatever the new link is then.


yawn... links not there and i wanna go bed...


Here is the stream, the launch is in 20 minutes.



>the launch is in 20 minutes
well im staying up for that then


Well then I take back my Oyasumi.


Indian giver.


t minus 40 seconds
any quickshots, jerk off now


umm its spinning is that good or bad


nice it blew


Heh. I was hoping it would blow up on the launch pad though...




File:rocket.webm (9.09 MB,854x480)


Nobody is on the launch pad...


File:FuKNetcWYAEjZOE.jpg (791.38 KB,2478x1770)

Oh heh, Carmack was there.


File:[MTBB] Oshi no Ko - 01 [51….jpg (226.99 KB,1920x1080)

That was really cool and I wish I was awake to see it live. All the different cameras made it seem like a movie, and speaking of movie it was weird to give the crowd audio.
I'm guessing that was a self-destruct at the end since it was barreling out of control and you don't want a giant fuel tank to collide with the ground? Not sure...


thats a pretty cool setup with those w*rkstations


File:a24c2b340df0ce8847adefa6b2….mp4 (1.28 MB,1314x740)

bad place to park a car?


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